Tasmanian Council of Churches

Tasmanian Council of Churches

"Churches working together in unity"


Heads Of Churches

Anglican Church of Australia, Diocese of Tasmania

The Right Reverend John Harrower OAM

Email: bishop@anglicantas.org.au

Baptist Churches of Tasmania

The Reverend John Smith

Email: john@citywidehobart.org.au

Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Hobart

The Most Reverend Julian Porteous

Email: archbishop@aohtas.org.au

Churches of Christ Tasmania

The Reverend Graham Mann

Email: graham@howrahcofc.org.au

Religious Society of Friends, Tasmania Regional Meeting

Roslyn Haynes / Felicity Rose

Email: tasclerk@quakers.org.au

The Salvation Army, Tasmania Division

Major Ritchie Watson

Email: ritchie.watson@aus.salvationarmy.org

Uniting Church in Australia, Presbytery of Tasmania

The Reverend Carol Bennett

Email: carol.bennett@victas.uca.org.au