Tasmanian Council of Churches

Tasmanian Council of Churches

"Churches working together in unity"


Christian Ministry In State Schools (CMISS)

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2012 Annual Report



The Commission expresses its sincere gratitude to Jenny Roddam who for many years has given great service in her capacity as the Commission’s Secretary/Treasurer.  Jenny formally stepped down from the 31st December 2011, but kindly assisted with preparing and distributing papers for our first meeting in 2012.  Ruth Pinkerton stepped down on 24th November 2011 as Convener pro temp. of the Chaplaincy Working Group, which was disbanded at that time.  The Commission thanks Ruth for her work in furthering the interests of chaplaincy state-wide in this role.  David Morris filled the position of Acting Convener, with the expectation that another would step into this role during this term of office. 

However, he continued in this capacity until the 2012 TCC Annual Meeting.

It is recommended that the Tasmanian Council of Churches’ Liaison Officer be made available to provide ongoing administrative support to the Commission, and that the Liaison Officer fulfill the role of the Commission’s Secretary/Treasurer.  Without that support, the role of the Commission will be so much more difficult to execute.

MEETINGS IN 2011-2012

The Commission met three times.  The Executive of the Tasmanian Council of Churches renewed the Commission’s mandate, a copy of which is appended to this report.

Membership of this Commission continued to reflect a broader constituency than the membership of the TCC.  Members’ meeting attendance is influenced by the geographic location of meetings, though a quorum has always been attained.


Christian Religious Education (CRE) in State primary schools in 2012 has remained at 2011 numbers, viz.:  

Smithton Primary School
Ulverstone Central Primary School
West Ulverstone Primary School
Sprent Primary School
Spreyton Primary School
Sheffield District School

Hagley Farm Primary School
Westbury Primary School
St Leonards Primary School
St Helens District School
Scottsdale Primary School 
Maydena Primary School
Westerway Primary School

Training of volunteers for CRE is provided by Jenny Cowley and Marylou Townsend as required.  Marylou maintains a register of contacts in schools for CRE for the Commission.  The Commission funds this training.


In news to hand since the Commission’s last meeting:  Many primary schools in particular run breakfast club activities as part of Christian ministry in State schools.  Some of these schools have chaplains, some do not.  A recent initiative of Scripture Union Tasmania in conjunction with Foodbank of Tasmania has been to see whether a support program can be established for these breakfast clubs.  This is being piloted in Terms 2 and 3 in 2012 in eight schools to determine costs and logistics of support for a statewide program.


Schools Sunday was observed throughout the state on 18th March this year.  The Commission provided $1,000 to Scripture Union to support the preparation of materials for this, including developing new material for the Schools Sunday Tasmanian website.  Without any administrative support from the TCC this year, due to the vacant Executive Officer position, it was left to SU to handle distribution of promotional materials.  Our thanks to SU staff for their work in supporting this initiative.


Ogilvie High School was the venue for the launch on 17th August 2011 of the Spirituality Toolbox developed by Scripture Union in conjunction with the Tasmanian Curriculum Unit of the Education Department.  The Commission was pleased to endorse this project and donated $2,000 to SU for costs associated with its implementation.  The toolbox has been made available to State schools without charge.  Each Toolbox costs $160 to produce.  Non state-schools can purchase these at cost through Scripture Union.  Scripture Union has some donors who have specifically supported this program to make the toolbox more widely available.  More donations are being sought.


The support of chaplaincy in State schools has been the primary focus of the Commission.  State school chaplaincies depend largely, but not exclusively, on Commonwealth funding under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program (NSCSWP) administered by the Australian Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.  As reported last year, the constitutional legitimacy of Commonwealth Government funding of school chaplaincy is the subject of a current High Court challenge, and at the time of writing we await the Court’s determination. 

With regard the Commonwealth’s funding of school chaplaincy, there have been no cuts in the 2012-2013 federal budget but no CPI increases either for this.  It is a point for prayer to maintain this ministry in our schools.  There is much to be thankful for in the extension of this program announced by the Commonwealth on 24th May this year. 

There are 201 State schools in Tasmania and 120 have a chaplaincy service, i.e. 73%.  Eight have chosen to have a student welfare worker under this program.  There is the opportunity for up to 73 more chaplains in our State schools.

Statewide professional learning for chaplains was held in February and will again be conducted in October.  Regional days were held in April and will be again in late August.  Local chaplaincy committee (LCC) training days will be held over the 9th to 11th July in each region. 

There is also the possibility of LCC training being offered on the West and East Coasts as new chaplaincy services begin in these regions.  

Scripture Union recently advertised for chaplains to fill new vacancies and is currently working with schools and LCCs to fill these positions.

I refer you to the Commission’s financial statements regarding TCC funding in support of this program.  The Commission wishes to express its gratitude to Ruth Pinkerton and her team at Scripture Union Tasmania who so ably administer the vast majority of the chaplaincy program in our State schools. Our thanks also to the minor employers of state school chaplains.  Our thanks, too, to the chaplains themselves and to all the Local Chaplaincy Committees, without whom this special ministry would not be possible.  

At the November 2011 meeting, the Commission, taking advice from the Chaplaincy Working Group convener, dissolved the group, asking SU to fulfill the group’s former co-ordinating role.  At the May 2012 meeting it was apparent that this arrangement was not going to meet the needs of the minor chaplain employers, and that a new inclusive model to promote a co-ordinated approach to state school chaplaincy was required. 

It is recommended that the development of such an inclusive model be a high priority of the incoming Commission.


The Commission also expresses its appreciation to the Member Churches, as well as the Observer Churches, who have continued to support the work of the Commission financially and with representation on the Commission. 

David Morris
Acting Convener
12th June 2012





The TCC Executive met on Wednesday 31st August 2011 and adopted the following as the renewed mandate for this Commission. 

The Commission shall be called the Tasmanian Council of Churches Commission for Christian Ministry in State Schools. 

Objectives of the Commission
(1) To encourage and support the provision of Christian ministries in State Schools and colleges including, but not limited to, Christian Chaplaincies, and Christian Religious Education.
(2) To liaise with the State Education Department, its schools and related organisations for the purposes of   a. implementing Christian Chaplaincies in State Schools;   b. implementing Christian Religious Education (CRE) programs in State Schools.
(3) To recommend and provide suitable resources for such programs.
(4) To establish and review guidelines for Chaplains in State Schools and colleges, in consultation with the State Education Department.
(5) To recognise and accredit trained voluntary teachers involved in CRE programs.
(6) To liaise with the employer bodies of Christian Chaplaincies in State Schools.
(7) To raise necessary funds for the provision of such programs in State Schools from (i) Churches who are members of the Commission, (ii) school communities, and (iii) individuals and the community at large.

Commission Membership
Membership is appointed by the TCC, or the TCC Executive on the recommendation of Member Churches or the Commission as follows:
(1) Officers of the Commission, i.e. Convener, Secretary and Treasurer, appointed by the Tasmanian Council of Churches or its Executive.
(2) from the Anglican Church Three members (including any ex officio members),
(3) from the Catholic Church Three members (including any ex officio members),
(4) from the Uniting Church Three members (including any ex officio members),
(5) from every other Church One member (plus any ex officio members).
(6) one representative of each other Christian denomination choosing to be involved, who affirms Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and whose membership extends across the State or who have International connections.
(7) Co-opted members with particular expertise in the field, comprising up to one-third of the combined number of representatives in categories (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6).
(8) one member from each approved associated body, but without voting rights.
Membership under categories (5) and (6) is only for the purpose of promoting Christian Ministry in State Schools and does not imply membership of or endorsement of the other concerns of the Tasmanian Council of Churches.

Working Groups of the Commission
In furthering its objectives, the Commission may establish such Working Groups as it deems fit from time to time.  Such Working Groups shall be given specific, written terms of reference, be convened by a member of the Commission, and report to the Commission.  The Commission’s Officers shall be members ex officio of each Working Group.

The Executive of the Commission shall comprise the Officers of the Commission and the conveners of each Working Group.

Relationship between the Commission and Heads of Churches
Where major policy decisions are being considered by the Commission, opportunities for comment by Heads of Churches should be given.

Meetings of the Commission
The Commission should meet at least twice a year.  The Commission should meet at locations as it determines, having regard to the geographical distribution of its membership.   A quorum for a meeting of the Commission shall be four members including at least three denominations represented.

ADOPTED by the Executive of the Tasmanian Council of Churches, 31st August 2011.

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