Tasmanian Council of Churches

Tasmanian Council of Churches

"Churches working together in unity"




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February 2009 Minutes

E09/01 The meeting opened with worship and reflection, led by the President, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM, using an Ecumenical Liturgy for the victims of the recent bushfires in Victoria. The people affected by the floods in Queensland were also remembered.
E09/02 Present: Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM (President), Rev’d Alan Bulmer, Ms Fae Cox, Most Rev’d Adrian Doyle, Rev’d Mike Delaney, Miss Daphne Mitchell, Rev’d Rosalind Terry, Rev’d Allan Thompson.
Apologies: Rev’d Garry Billing, Rev’d James Collins, Mr Paul Dobber, Dr Rosemary Dobber, Major Brad Jenkins, Mr Tony le Clerc, Major Graeme McClimont, Valmai McCulloch, Major Alan Milkins, Julian Robertson and Rev’d Dr Tom Wallace.
E09/03 Minutes
The minutes of the Executive meeting held on 5 November 2008 were received. Because the meeting was not a quorum they will be confirmed at the next meeting.
E09/04 Business arising from the Minutes
Cooption of Members to Executive: No developments
Merging of Combined Commission: Awaiting from Tony Le Clerc a proposal regarding a single mandate for a new merged commission.
E09/05 Finance
The Treasurer presented reports to the end of January. These included the Reconciliation Reports for both December 2008 and January 2009, the Profit and Loss statement from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2008, and the summary of income and expenditure for CMISS in the calendar year 2008.
It was resolved that the statements be accepted.
E09/06 Funds held for Christian Television Association (Tas)
It was resolved to investigate the use of these invested funds towards the costs of establishing the website. This was seen as appropriate use of these funds as they will still be used for communication with the public.
E09/07 Correspondence
The President tabled advice from the Uniting Church that the annual grant of $9150 to the TCC would be continued in 2009. The President also advised that Christmas greetings had been received from the Governor and Mrs Underwood and also from the Lord Mayor of Hobart.
After consultation with the Executive Working Group the former Executive Officer had written to the Prime Minister and leaders of other political parties in the Federal parliament regarding recent events in Gaza and the conflict between Israel and Hamas. A reply on behalf of the Prime Minister was read.
E09/08 2009 Annual Meeting (Launceston)
It was noted that the date is Saturday 30 May 2009. The President advised that she was approaching people to participate in the day.
E09/09 Update on Commissions
(i) CWS Commission and act for peace
The Treasurer was reported that $11,000+ had been received from shopping centre collections in the north of the state.
The Rev’d Mike Delaney reported on changes at the NCCA consequent upon the resignation of the General Secretary, Rev’d John Henderson, who has taken an appointment at the Lutheran Training College in South Australia. The Acting General Secretary is Paul Ryan.
A discussion re funding issues ensued. (See minute E09/15)
(ii) CMISS – No report, although it was noted that the Commission would meet on 3 March. It was noted that March 15 has been designated as Schools Sunday.
(iii) Combined Commissions - no report
The President reported briefly on the Conference of Health and Welfare Chaplains held in Hobart in January. The President had led a Bible study.
The Rev’d Rosalind Terry reported on a Peace Concert held in Hobart as part of the preparation for the Parliament of World Religions to be held in Melbourne later in the year. There was an attendance of 150, and another gathering is planned.
The Rev Rosalind Terry also reported on “Christmas Live in the City” – an ecumenical witness
(iv) Historic Church Properties Task Group
It was reported that it is hoped that an application can be prepared for the Tasmanian Community Fund to provide resources for a pilot study of the maintenance needs of historic properties.
E09/10 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
It was noted that the theme for 2009 is “Reconciliation in the midst of brokenness”.
E09/11 State Community Recovery Committee
A meeting is to be held shortly, and TCC representation was considered highly desirable. Sr Barbara Hateley is a member, and it is hoped that she might attend. The Revd’s Robert Legge and Alan Bulmer were also suggested. The President will follow up on this matter.
E09/12 Safe as Churches Conference
This will be held in Adelaide 11-13 June, under the auspice of the NCCA.
E09/13 Jane Franklin Hall
The Executive was advised that the term of Dr Rosemary Dobber as TCC representative on the Council would shortly expire. Noting that Dr Dobber had made herself available for re-appointment, it was resolved to nominate Dr Rosemary Dobber as TCC representative for a further term.
The President also reported that she would participate in a Liturgy for the opening of the academic year.
E09/14 Website
The President and Mr David Morris briefed the Executive on developments. A revised quote of $7326 had been received from PG Technologies and accepted, and the first instalment paid.
Members of the meeting were briefed on the features of the website and the possible options for use. Mr Morris indicated that there was a good working relationship with PG Technologies. Training will be provided for the key operators. Training for commissions and others is available at a cost.
The President, Vice President and Mr Morris expect to meet on site with a representative of PG Technologies on February 23.
It is hoped to have the website in place prior to the AGM.
E09/15 – Future of the TCC
Prior to commencing discussion on this matter the President read and reflected on the Gospel passage about the stilling of the storm, and then led in prayer.
The President led a discussion on options open to the TCC in the light of
(a) funding realities
(b) the functions of the TCC as detailed in Section III of the Constitution.

After lengthy discussion it was resolved:
i. To discontinue the relationship with CWS insofar as accepting CWS funding for our staff position;
ii. To seek a 0.3 Administrative officer, funded from the contributions of member churches;
iii. To advertise and seek expressions of interest through the churches and not the secular media;
iv. To empower the Executive Working Group to approve a revised position description and to progress the matter of an appointment.

E09/16 – Proposed football match on Good Friday
It was resolved to send a letter to AFL Tasmania expressing disapproval of and disappointment in the AFL in its decision to use of Good Friday, the most sacred day in the Christian calendar, for a football match.
E09/17 – Reports and Sharing from Member Churches and Associated Bodies
In view of time constraints this segment was deferred to the next meeting.
E09/18 Date of Next Meeting: 4pm Wednesday 22 April, at Salvation Army, Hobart.
E09/19 Close
The President closed the meeting at 6.25pm

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