Annual Meeting
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President\'s Report 2010
This past year has been an interesting year with more lows than highs. At the time of my election last May I felt that it would be a simple task to co-ordinate the office by transferring most of the required files and e-mail data to my laptop and continue to work from Queenstown. After 12 months of attempting this I have found that it is much more difficult than I had imagined and, unfortunately, much has been left undone and a sizeable number of things have simply been missed. Consequently, I am certain that this had had a serious impact on any influence that the TCC might have been able to exert within the Church and wider community during this past 12 months. It has also meant that several significant events have either not been advertised or, because of lack of follow up, been poorly attended.
Looking at the situation from a slightly different point of view it is interesting to note that the theme of the National Council of Churches in Australia National Forum in July this year is \'Shaping Our Ecumenical Footprint\'. I believe that we need to seriously ask ourselves the question - at this time do we have an Ecumenical Footprint in Tasmania?
Recent meetings of the TCC Executive have struggled to have a quorum - the last meeting certainly didn\'t and several key decisions had to be left until the Annual Meeting to be resolved, including the following:
- the decision to sign a partnership agreement with NCCA/Act For Peace regarding the activities of the Vic/Tas Development Officer and any/all responsibilities we might undertake to assist in the promotion of Act For Peace within Tasmania. Jeff Wild will be at the Annual Meeting to bring some of the issues and possibilities to our focus.
- the decision to have a representative at the NCCA National Forum - the normal practice has been for the President and/or the Executive Officer to be present for the meeting and networking that occurs at such an event.
However, there have been some positive signs and activities. Whilst still in an embryonic state the Commission for Local Ecumenical Initiatives has started to meet with a number of members who are enthusiastic for something to happen. I am certain that they would be only too willing to meet like minded people at the Annual Meeting or subsequently to build on their enthusiasm.
The appointment of a Development Officer for Act For Peace in Victoria/Tasmania is another positive step in seeking to broaden the awareness of Act For Peace within the Ecumenical Movement within Tasmania. Hopefully, this will also have an impact on other aspects of the Ecumenical Movement and support those who are striving to make a difference in their community.
The continued excellent work done by the Commission for Ministry in State Schools (CMISS) remains the highlight of the activity of the TCC. Unfortunately, there are a number of issues in regard to the provision of Chaplains to Colleges and Schools throughout the State that could see the influence of the TCC in this process be diminished. We trust that the Commission will continue to work at providing a positive \'face\' to the ecumenical activity of the Churches in the State.
I would like to express publicly the grateful thanks to the Rev\'d Canon Dr Tom Wallace who has served as the Convenor of CMISS for a number of years. Unfortunately due to serious illness during the year Tom resigned from the Commission and we offer our continued prayers and support to him and his family at this time.
The Commission for Christian World Service has been quiet this year following the difficulties arising on the national scene over the past year or so. I am thankful to local groups who have supported the Christmas Bowl over the years who organised local collections in shopping centres throughout the State. Hopefully, there might be renewed interest in the CWS Commission as new possibilities arise out of the visit of Jeff Wild and local congregation participation in Act for Peace activities..
Another group which has continued as an active adjunct of the TCC has been the Historic Church Properties Task Group. Our thanks to Rev\'d Allan Thompson for his continued involvement and expertise in this area - as always it is a work in progress which will require continued activity if our Church Buildings are to able to be used as needed and not restricted by overzealous legalism.
TCC involvement continues on the Council of Jane Franklin Hall through the activity of Dr Rosemary Dobber and Dr Louise Wells as well as several Chaplains as mentioned in the Jane Franklin Report.
I would also like to thank the Rt. Rev\'d Chris Jones who has represented the TCC on the State Recovery Committee during this past twelve months. A draft has been presented for consideration by the TCC concerning our role and responsibilities in the event of an emergency. Unfortunately this draft arrived too late for it to be looked at by the Executive prior to the Annual Meeting but this will need to be addressed at the first meeting of the Executive in July.
As well as Australian Church Women, their report is included in the papers for the Annual Meeting, there are various ecumenical gatherings throughout the State. Many of these involve members of denominations that are not part of the TCC and it continues to remain a area of concern for me that we are not able to build a closer relationship so that there might be one voice which speaks for the Churches in Tasmania. Of course, individual Heads of Churches have their own role and responsibility for comment on various issues but there are also occasions when one voice could bring the Christian Message to the community.
Various Ecumenical Events have occurred across the State throughout the past year. All of these activities including the Way of the Cross in various centres, Palm Sunday Walks, Seafarers\' Services and the Blessing of the Fleet remind us that there are many ways that the Ecumenical Voice can be heard in the local community. It is good for the TCC to also be involved in these events through the participation by various of our members and I thank them for their involvement.
The TCC Website met quite a number of difficulties translating the request for new website and the reality. I\'m hopeful that most of the issues have been resolved and that we will be able to utilise the possibilities envisaged in the original proposal. Most of the material that has been presented for this Annual Meeting can actually be found on the website and in the future it is intended that all the TCC material will be made available there. It is my hope that all members of the Annual Meeting who have access to the internet will ensure that they are registered and can make use of this facility to keep abreast of TCC activities throughout the year.
In conclusion I would like to thank all those who have continued to support the work of the TCC throughout this past year. Especially thanks to Fae Cox who quietly keeps our finances in order and provides us with current and on time reports. To Rev\'d Alan Bulmer who took on the role of Secretary to the Executive during this past year I am extremely grateful. Also to Rev\'d James Collins and Sr. Elizabeth Vagg who have been able to cope with my leadership style I express my sincere appreciation.
And finally to all of the members of the Executive and the Annual Meeting. It has been a great gift to me over the 35 years of my priesthood to be able to work with committed women and men who have a similar vision of Christian Mission and Ministry and who bring the fruits of their/your own Christian faith to the present reality of life and for this I thank you and all who have been part of my ministry. May the Lord continue to bless you in the year ahead.
(Fr) Mike Delaney
June 2010