Annual Meeting
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At the beginning of the meeting, the President acknowledged the Leteremairrener people, the traditional owners of the land on which the meeting was being held.
AGM09/2 Present were:
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, DIOCESE OF TASMANIA: The Rev’d James Collins (representing H/C), the Rev’d Alan Bulmer, Mrs Fae Cox, Mr. David Morris, Rev’d Canon Dr Tom Wallace.
BAPTIST CHURCHES OF TASMANIA: The Rev’d Garry Billing (H/C), Mr David Richardson.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: The Most Rev\\\'d Adrian Doyle AM(H/C), Mr. John Barker, Mrs. Pat Barker, Mrs Marie Butterworth, Fr Michael Delaney, Mr. Paul Dobber, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, Mrs Gabrielle Fraser, Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mrs. Mary-Anne Johnson, Miss Anne Landers, Mrs. Dorothy Lawes, Mr. Tony le Clerc, Ms. Gail O’Brien, Mrs Lynn Priest, the Rev’d Fr. Terry Southerwood, Rev’d Fr Michael Tate AO, Sr Elizabeth Vagg PBVM, Rev’d Fr Terry Yard, Ms Karina Zanchetta.
UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA, PRESBYTERY OF TASMANIA: Rev’d Carol Bennett (H/C), Mr Graham Booth, Rev’d Brian Cole, Dr. Andrew Glenn, Rev’d Rosalind Terry, Rev’d Alison Whish
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM (President), the Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney (Vice-President), Mrs Fae Cox (Treasurer).
AGM09/3 APOLOGIES were received from:
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, DIOCESE OF TASMANIA: The Rt. Rev’d John Harrower OAM (H/C), the Rt. Rev’d Dr. Christopher Jones.
RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS, TASMANIA REGIONAL MEETING: Julian Robertson (H/C), Pat firkin, Rosslyn Haynes, Valmai McCulloch
THE SALVATION ARMY, TASMANIA DIVISION: Major Graeme McClimont (H/C), Major Brad Jenkins, Major Alan Milkins.
ASSOCIATED BODIES: Mr. Michael Scanlan (Jane Franklin Hall). Miss Daphne Mitchell
OBSERVERS FROM NON-MEMBER CHURCHES: Marshall Muller (Hobart City Church of Christ),
AGM09/4 The following persons were co-opted as members of the Council: Mr. Michael Scanlan (JFH), Miss Daphne Mitchell (ACW)
The following persons were appointed as returning officers: Mrs FayeCox, Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS
AGM09/5 The proposed agenda for the meeting was adopted.
AGM09/6 The Minutes for the 2008 Annual Meeting were tabled, having been previously confirmed by the Executive.
The President, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM, spoke to her written report which was received by the Annual Meeting. In particular, it was noted that the TCC had responded to the mandate from the previous annual meeting with respect to the following aspects:
• Relocation of office to Launceston
• A Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
• Development of TCC Website
• Continued support for CCMISS
• Formalization of the combining of commissions to form the Commission for Local Ecumenical Initiative
• Support for CWS through the Christmas Bowl Launch and appeal
• A successful forum on Palestine and Israel
• Participation in the State Recovery Committee and Historic Church Properties Task Group
• Strengthened relations with and support for Jane Franklin Hall
• Appropriate responses to events and situations as they occurred
• Participation in the recent NCCA Consultation
• Participation in a number of Ecumenical Services and events throughout the year
Despite the difficulties in staffing and funding, there were positive aspects and a strong spirit of collaboration and support between people from different churches. The members were urged to continue to work for unity through dialogue, prayer and working together. There is a need to be aware of our own identity, listen respectfully to each other, to act with integrity and become informed about the progress of various bilateral dialogues taking place at higher levels in the Churches.
Sr. Elizabeth thanked all who work together to make ecumenism a reality across the state – people who are willing to come together in prayer or study or in shared ventures, such as Chaplaincy, Christian Education in State Schools, support of refugees and volunteers collecting for Christmas Bowl. Others contribute their time and talents on various committees, commissions or associated bodies, the organization of special events, or the provision of hospitality Elizabeth expressed appreciation to Fr. Mike Delaney, Rev’d Allan Thompson , Mrs Fae Cox, and Lieutenant Ian Smith for their contribution to TCC over the last twelve months.
A. Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools
The Convener of the Commission, the Rev’d Canon Dr. Tom Wallace, spoke to the report.
As a result of the Australian Government’s Chaplaincy Program, there are now 90 chaplaincy appointments in the state and three Chaplaincy Support Officers. The long term benefits for the young people in Tasmanian schools are valued by parents and schools. There is an excellent working relationship between the TCC (through the Chaplaincy Working Group), the Department of Education and Scripture Union.
The importance of the role of Local Chaplaincy Committees was stressed for the ongoing success of the program. Future funding arrangements are uncertain, though it is hoped that Federal Government funding will continue in the future.
Although there has been some decline in the number of students involved in CRE programs in the schools due to the change from ‘opt out’ to ‘opt in’ arrangements, other opportunities were being presented in schools which provide a measure of ‘Christian presence’ for students, as outlined in the report.
Appreciation was expressed to the Chaplaincy Support Officers employed by Scripture Union for their commitment and expertise in administering the Chaplaincy program. Kathryn Yaxley was also commended for her contribution through the production of “School Crossing” and resources for Schools Sunday.
B. Combined Commissions (Incorporating Commissions on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education; Gospel and Human Relationships; Justice and Peace)
Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate, as Convener of the Combined Commissions, spoke to the written report prepared on behalf of the three Commissions, noting the difficulties due to the small number of active members on this commission. There was some discussion about the scope of the proposed Commission for Local Ecumenical Initiatives and whether it should include an Interfaith aspect. It was noted that the interfaith dimension might present a difficulty for some Churches. Consequently, it was proposed that the EWG should seek the views of the Heads of Churches on this matter before including it in the mandate.
Motion: That the Combined Commissions be amalgamated formally as the Commission for Local Ecumenical Initiatives (membership and mandate as per the attachment).
The meeting resolved to accept the motion, and authorized the Executive to set up the commission, appoint an interim convener and hold further discussions with the Heads of Churches with respect to the interfaith aspect.
C. Commission on Christian World Service
The Convener, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney, spoke to his written report, noting the difficulties of the past 12 months. Despite these difficulties, approximately $74,000 has been contributed this year to Christmas Bowl from Tasmania. This amount includes $11,000 from Shopping Centre collections, which were less extensive in their coverage compared with previous years.
D. Historic Church Properties Task Group
There was no report due to the Rev’d Allan Thompson’s absence overseas.
The meeting resolved to accept all the above reports.
The Treasurer, Mrs Fae Cox, presented the audited Financial Reports for 2008. These reports were adopted by the Annual Meeting. It was resolved that a letter of thanks be written to the auditor.
Moved: Mrs Fae Cox
Seconded: Mr David Morris
AGM09/10 RECEPTION OF COURTESY REPORTS: The Annual Meeting received courtesy reports from organisations affiliated with the TCC:
 Australian Church Women
 Converge International (formerly ITIM)
 Jane Franklin Hall
Mr Peter Dwyer begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Mr Peter Gathercole from pgtechnologies demonstrated the TC website, which will be accessible to members from Monday 1 June for registration purposes at (or It will be ready for public access in approximately two weeks.
AGM09/12 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Annual Meeting elected the following members to serve as officers of the Tasmanian Council of Churches until the next Annual Meeting:
President: The Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney
Vice-President: The Rev’d James Collins
Treasurer: Mrs Fae Cox
Minutes Secretary: The Rev’d Alan Bulmer
Lieutenant Colonel Ian Smith was appointed to serve as auditor until the next Annual Meeting. A letter of appreciation for his contribution will be sent to him.
AGM09/13 ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO THE EXECUTIVE: The Annual Meeting resolved that the following people be members of the Executive for 2009/10: Rev’d Alan Bulmer and Mr. Paul Dobber. A number of people had expressed interest inbeing appointed to the Executive or to one of the Commissions. The appointment of a further three members to the Executive will be finalized by the Executive Working Group.
The Annual Meeting accepted the following people as Conveners and members of the TCC’s Commissions. The EWG will finalize membership where there are vacancies:
1. Christian Ministry in State Schools (Appointed by Member Churches and by some non-member Churches):
Rev’d Canon Dr. Tom Wallace AM (Convener), Rev’d James Collins, Mr. David Morris (Anglican), 1 to be advised (Baptist), Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mrs. Lynn Priest, Ms. Helen Healy (Catholic), 1 to be advised (The Salvation Army), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam + 2 to be advised (Uniting), Mrs. Veronica Schwedes (Lutheran), Mr. Graeme Roberts (south), the Mr. Ian Partridge (north) (Presbyterian), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Reformed), Ms. Ruth Pinkerton (Scripture Union), Mr. C. Townsend (Fusion), Ms. Anne French (Education Department), TCC Executive Officer (ex officio)
2. Christian World Service: (A minimum of two appointees from each Member Church is ideal):
The Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney (Convener), Mr. Paul Dobber (Catholic), The Rev’d Rosemary Perrott-Russell + 1 to be advised (Anglican), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam + 1 to be advised (Uniting), Major Helen McClimont (The Salvation Army), Baptist (to be advised), RSOF (to be advised), TCC Executive Officer (ex officio).
3. Commission for Local Ecumenical Initiatives (Convener and members to be appointed)
(Please note that some members of Commissions are appointed by Member Churches, others by the Annual Meeting. The names of those appointed by Member Churches are listed for information only.)
After lunch, the meeting resumed for the afternoon session, which consisted of two short presentations:
Ecumenism in Rural areas (Rev’d James Collins)
James noted that Tasmania could be classified as rural and regional in comparison with other States. This classification has an impact on our daily interactions, including religious and ecumenical activities. In country areas, ecumenism is alive and well, as exemplified by the collaboration of the Churches in diverse areas around the State.
Managing Change (Dr Andrew Glenn)
We live in a time of unprecedented change, in which we are called, like God’s people crossing the River Jordan, to get our feet wet – to be willing to take another step in the journey. In facing the challenge of change, we need to affirm what we value and wish to preserve and what we are willing to let go; to evaluate where we would like to be in the future and identify how we can move into that future. There is strong resistance to change and not all change is good. Where change is accepted as necessary, encouragement and engagement with others are more effective than exhortation. Heart, mind and soul need to be engaged in the process, which is a spiritual process. In the word of Lorin Mead, ‘God is always calling us to be more than we have been’.
AGM09/16 WORSHIP: The Closing Worship was led by Retiring President, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM. In the context of the Closing Worship, Rev’d Fr Michael Delaney was commissioned as President of the Tasmanian Council of Churches. The President then commissioned Rev’d James Collins as Vice-President, Mrs Fae Cox as Treasurer other office-bearers. And Executive Council members.
AGM08/20 The Annual Meeting concluded with the Blessing at 3.05 pm.