Annual Meeting
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At the beginning of the meeting, the President acknowledged the Mouheneenner people as the traditional owners of the land
on which the meeting was being held.
The Opening Worship was to have included the Commissioning of Mr. Bradley Taylor as Executive Officer for the
Tasmanian Council of Churches but, due to illness, he was unable to be present. The Commissioning will take place at a
later date.
AGM08/2 Present were:
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, DIOCESE OF TASMANIA: the Rev’d James Collins (representing H/C),
the Rev’d Alan Bulmer, the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg OAM, Mr. David Morris, the Rev’d Rosemary Perrott-Russell.
BAPTIST CHURCHES OF TASMANIA: The Rev’d Garry Billing (H/C), Dr. Margaret Baikie, the Rev’d Steve
Chapman, Mr. Kevin Filleul, Mrs. Heather Filleul, Mr. Alan Firth, Mr. Eric Lockett.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: the Most Rev\'d Adrian Doyle (H/C), Mr. John Barker, Mrs.
Pat Barker, Mr. Bill Conley, Mrs. Enid Conley, Mrs. Joyce Cumming, Mr. Paul Dobber, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, Mrs. Mary
Excell, Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mrs. Mary-Anne Johnson, Mrs. Dorothy Lawes, Mr. Tony le Clerc, Ms. Gail O’Brien,
Mrs. Eris Smyth, the Rev’d Fr. Terry Southerwood, Mr. Martin Stone.
THE SALVATION ARMY, TASMANIA DIVISION: Major Graeme McClimont (H/C), Major Brad Jenkins, Major
Alan Milkins.
Andrew Glenn, Mrs. Joan Kesson, Miss Nathalie Norris, Rev’d David Parker, Rev’d Rod Peppiatt, Mr. Don Roddam, Rev’d
Rosalind Terry, Rev’d Peter Weeks.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM (President), the Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney (Vice-President).
CO-OPTED MEMBER: Mrs. Jennifer Roddam (TCC Admin).
ASSOCIATED BODIES: Miss Daphne Mitchell (ACW).
VISITORS: Mrs. Joan Nelson (Christian Science Church), Mrs. Frances Johnson (Uniting Church).
GUEST SPEAKER: The Rt. Rev’d Richard Appleby, President of the National Council of Churches in Australia.
AGM08/3 APOLOGIES were received from:
Rt. Rev’d Dr. Christopher Jones, the Rev’d Canon Dr. Thomas Wallace AM.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: Mrs. Marie Butterworth, Mrs. Lynn Priest, the Rev’d Fr.
Michael Tate AO
ASSOCIATED BODIES: Mr. Michael Scanlan (Jane Franklin Hall).
OBSERVERS FROM NON-MEMBER CHURCHES: The Rev’d Ben Mogg, Pastor Richard Schwedes (Lutheran
Church of Australia, Victorian District), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Christian Reformed Church).
AGM08/4 The following persons were co-opted as members of the Council: Mr. Michael Scanlan (JFH), Miss
Daphne Mitchell (ACW), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam. (TCC)
The following persons were appointed as returning officers: Mrs. Enid Conley, Mr. Don Roddam.
AGM08/5 The proposed agenda for the meeting was adopted.
AGM08/6 The minutes for the 2007 Annual Meeting were tabled, having been previously confirmed by the
The President, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM, spoke to her written report which was received by the Annual Meeting with
Sr. Elizabeth spoke about her attendance at the NCCA Forum in July last year and highlighted the importance of dialogue
and the development of covenanting between Member Churches. At the local level, this dialogue has been evidenced by a
decision to focus some time at each Executive meeting to consider the practices and understanding of Baptism, Eucharist
and Ministry in each of our traditions. The sharing, respectful listening and acceptance of each other has been an important
development in our life together.
A renewed involvement with Jane Franklin Hall has been positive, noting that the TCC was the sponsoring body when the
Hall was established as a residential College at the University of Tasmania in the early 1950s.
Sr. Elizabeth thanked all who work together to make ecumenism a reality across the state – people who are willing to come
together in prayer or study or in shared ventures, such as Chaplaincy, Christian Education in State Schools, support of
refugees and volunteers collecting for Christmas Bowl. Others contribute their time and talents on various committees,
commissions or associated bodies, the organization of special events, or the provision of hospitality. She went on to thank
Rev’d Allan Thompson, Fr. Mike Delaney, Dr. Alex Bell and Mrs. Jennifer Roddam who had formed the Executive
Working Group over past months. Dr. Alex Bell had recently resigned as Treasurer for personal reasons and Sr. Elizabeth
expressed appreciation for his contribution to TCC over the last twelve months.
On behalf of the Council, Sr. Elizabeth expressed gratitude to Jennifer Roddam, who will retire on 16 May, for her
contribution and commitment to the TCC over almost eleven years.
Jennifer expressed appreciation for the flowers which were presented to her and for the many opportunities and privileges
that had been extended to her during her time with TCC.
On behalf of the Executive, Jennifer Roddam spoke to the written report, noting a number of events from the last twelve
months. She said it had been a year of challenge for the Executive and staff as repercussions of a change in funding
arrangements were worked through, necessitating a reduction in staff to one part-time employee as from 1st July.
Highlights had included the visit of Brother Ghislain from the Taizé community to the north of the state in February, the
continuation of the work of the Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools as one of the ecumenical success stories
in the state, and the visits of Kaylea Fearn (National Coordinator for Simply Sharing Week) and Dr. Visier Sanyu (Refugee
Officer with the Victorian Council of Churches).
Following consultation with Heads of TCC member churches and the subsequent submission of nominations, the
appointment by Cabinet of the Rev’d Allan Thompson as the TCC’s representative on the Tasmanian Heritage Council was
welcomed earlier this year.
TCC representatives continue to serve on the State Community Recovery Committee and Regional Committees in
Tasmania. The development of the Memorandum of Understanding between the TCC and the Department of Health and
Human Services has been an important development in the church’s response in the event of an emergency.
Due to the location of staff and office-bearers in the north of the state, the decision was taken during the year to relocate the
TCC office to Launceston after the AGM. An offer of rental accommodation at the Uniting Church Presbytery office in
Launceston has been accepted with gratitude. As the TCC moves its office to Launceston, appreciation was expressed to
the Passionist Community at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Hobart, in whose building the TCC office has operated for
almost six years.
A. Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools
The Rev’d James Collins spoke to a written report prepared by Convener, the Rev’d Canon Dr. Tom Wallace.
Although there has been some decline in the number of students involved in CRE programs in the schools due to the change
from ‘opt out’ to ‘opt in’ arrangements, other opportunities were being presented in schools which provide a measure of
‘Christian presence’ for students, as outlined in the report.
As a result of the Federal Government’s Chaplaincy Program, there are now 89 chaplaincy appointments in the state. The
long term benefits for the young people in Tasmanian schools cannot be overestimated. James highlighted the excellent
working relationship between the TCC (through the Chaplaincy Working Group), the Department of Education and
Scripture Union. Appreciation was expressed to Ruth Pinkerton and the Chaplaincy Support Officers employed by
Scripture Union for their commitment and expertise in administering the Chaplaincy program.
The importance of the role of Local Chaplaincy Committees was stressed for the ongoing success of the program. While it
is hoped that Federal Government funding will continue, the ownership by Local Chaplaincy Committees is important to
Professional Development is a major priority for Scripture Union in its management of chaplaincy through workshops and
seminars as well as courses provided by Tabor College.
Appreciation was expressed for the contribution made by Alan Dutton as Chair of the Chaplaincy Working Group for some
five years until his departure interstate in December 2007. The TCC acknowledged with gratitude his commitment to the
B. Combined Commissions (Incorporating Commissions on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education;
Gospel and Human Relationships; Justice and Peace)
Mr. Tony le Clerc spoke to a written report prepared by Convener, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate on behalf of the three
One of the major events, as acknowledged in the report of the Executive, was support for Brother Ghislain’s visit in
February. A number of young people, in particular, had been blessed by his visit.
There were no formal interfaith activities in 2007-8. A decision was taken not to sponsor a visit by the team from ‘Project
Abraham’, a formal education program in the core beliefs of the Abrahamic faiths. Discussion with the Commission and
with representatives of the Muslim and Jewish communities concluded that there was no pressing need, nor the capacity to
undertake such a project.
A recent meeting with inter-faith contacts had been held with the Team Leader for the Community Organisers of the
Parliament of the World’s Religions to be held in Melbourne in late 2009. Information will be made available through the
churches about events leading up to and during the Parliament.
The members of the ‘Combined Commissions’ have queried the need for continued separate identity for each of the
Commissions and have recommended that the Executive discuss the possibility of an amalgamation into one Commission.
C. Commission on Christian World Service
The Convener, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney, spoke to his written report.
Fr. Michael drew attention to the need to increase membership of the Commission through support from the Member
Churches. It was pleasing that Major Helen McClimont from the Salvation Army had offered to join the Commission.
Appreciation was expressed to members of the CWS Commission and northern regional group and to all volunteers for their
wonderful contribution, particularly in the Christmas Bowl shopping centre collections, realizing that one third of
Tasmania’s Christmas Bowl income emanates from shopping centre collections.
Information was given about proposed new arrangements under the “Ambassador for Peace” program which will
incorporate Christmas Bowl, Partners4Peace and Refugee work. New ways will be explored to raise the profile of these
programs in the local church and secular community and all were encouraged to be part of this development.
D. Historic Church Properties Task Group
Rev’d Allan Thompson spoke to his written report, adding that there are 250 church properties on the Tasmanian Heritage
register – some in private ownership because churches have disposed of them. He spoke about the difficulties created for
churches by the extraordinary demands for the maintenance of these buildings and the heritage restrictions imposed upon
them. This situation results in a dilemma for the churches, particularly as attempts are made to engage in dialogue with
various strata of government – local, state and commonwealth.
The meeting resolved to accept all the above reports.
Mr. David Morris spoke to the written summary of the proposal to establish a website for the TCC (distributed to delegates
at the meeting). The impetus to pursue the development of a website had come from the members of the Commission on
Christian Ministry in State Schools who were anxious to promote communication between volunteer members of the
Commission and the TCC and related bodies. At the request of the TCC, David had formulated a proposal which would
cater for all Commissions and Task Groups, would provide links to Member Churches’ websites where relevant, other
affiliated bodies where relevant and to NCCA programs such as Partners4Peace and Christmas Bowl. The suggestion was
that the website would be outsourced to a webmaster, with maintenance carried out by the Executive Officer or another
appropriate person within the organization. Realising the limited time available for constant maintenance, consideration had
been given to setting up a website which could be easily administered and would be time efficient. This involves additional
cost in setting up the content management system and this had been taken into account on the quote received to date. The
proposed system would also allow for private pages with security access for individual bodies within the organization as
well as pages available to the public.
The quote for $5,775 for set up costs, plus ongoing/optional associated costs was seen to be reasonable given the level of
sophistication provided. A second firm had been requested for a quote but had withdrawn.
It was moved by Mr. Tony Le Clerc, seconded Mr. Paul Dobber, that the Council give ‘in principle’ support for the website
proposal and its ongoing development. Carried.
It was pointed out that the current quote was valid until 23 May and contact will need to be made if a decision cannot be
reached by this date.
Mr. Dobber drew attention to the need for clarification of the cost of the purchase of the Domain name as this can vary
Rev’d Rosalind Terry said that Scots Memorial Church had been able to arrange to borrow a sister church’s set up program
which reduced costs significantly. She suggested that it may be possible to investigate a similar arrangement with another
mainland ecumenical council.
The President said that the Executive Working would continue discussions and investigations on the development of the
website, taking into account the points that had been raised.
In the absence of a Treasurer, the audited Financial Reports for 2007 were tabled by Mrs. Jennifer Roddam and received by
the meeting. The Budget for 2008 was adopted by the Annual Meeting.
AGM08/12 RECEPTION OF COURTESY REPORTS: The Annual Meeting received courtesy reports from
organisations affiliated with the TCC:
􀂃 Australian Church Women
􀂃 Converge International (formerly ITIM)
􀂃 Jane Franklin Hall **
**(Since the Annual Meeting advice has been received that although Dr. Geoffrey Treloar had accepted in writing the
College’s offer of the role of Principal, he has subsequently withdrawn his acceptance on family grounds. The position has
been offered to the Interim Principal, Mr. Michael Scanlan who has accepted the offer. Mr. Scanlan took up his new
position on May 12th 2008).
AGM08/13 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Annual Meeting elected the following members to serve as officers
of the Tasmanian Council of Churches until the next Annual Meeting:
President: Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM
Vice-President: The Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney
Treasurer: tba.
Lieutenant Colonel Ian Smith was appointed to serve as auditor until the next Annual Meeting. He would be advised of his
appointment and thanked for his willingness to accept the position.
AGM08/14 ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO THE EXECUTIVE: The Annual Meeting resolved that the
following people be members of the Executive for 2008/9: Rev’d Alan Bulmer, Mr. Paul Dobber, Dr. Rosemary Dobber,
Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mr. Tony Le Clerc. Rev’d Rosalind Terry. (It was noted that Dr. Rosemary also reports for Jane
Franklin Hall at Executive meetings).
The Annual Meeting elected the following people to be Conveners and members of the TCC’s Commissions.
1. Christian Ministry in State Schools (Appointed by Member Churches and by some non-member
Rev’d Canon Dr. Tom Wallace AM (Convener), Rev’d James Collins, Mr. David Morris (Anglican), 1 to be
advised (Baptist), Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mrs. Lynn Priest, Ms. Helen Healy (Catholic), 1 to be advised (The
Salvation Army), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam + 2 to be advised (Uniting), Mrs. Veronica Schwedes (Lutheran), Mr.
Graeme Roberts (south), the Mr. Ian Partridge (north) (Presbyterian), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Reformed), Ms. Ruth
Pinkerton (Scripture Union), Mr. C. Townsend (Fusion), Ms. Anne French (Education Department), TCC
Executive Officer (ex officio)
2. Christian World Service: (A minimum of two appointees from each Member Church is ideal):
The Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney (Convener), Mr. Paul Dobber (Catholic), The Rev’d Rosemary Perrott-Russell +
1 to be advised (Anglican), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam + 1 to be advised (Uniting), Major Helen McClimont (The
Salvation Army), Baptist (to be advised), RSOF (to be advised), TCC Executive Officer (ex officio).
3. Justice and Peace Commission (Appointed by Annual Meeting):
Dr. Margaret Baikie (Baptist), Mr. Doug Rutledge (Catholic), Envoy Ronda McIntyre (The Salvation Army),
Rev’d Grant Finlay (UAICC), Mrs. Bronwyn Morton and Dr. Ian Newman (Uniting).
4. Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology, and Education (Some members appointed by Member Churches and
some by Annual Meeting):
Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate (Convener), + 1 to be advised (Catholic); Rev’d John Teniswood + 1 to be advised
(Anglican); (Baptist to be advised); (Religious Society of Friends to be advised); (Salvation Army to be
advised); Rev’d Peter Davey + 1 to be advised (Uniting), Pastor Richard Schwedes (Lutheran); (Reformed: to
be advised); Mr. Tony Le Clerc + 3 to be appointed (Annual Meeting); Pastor Leo Stossich (Co-opted by
Commission); TCC Executive Officer (ex officio).
5. Gospel and Human Relationships (Appointed by Annual Meeting):
The Rev’d Peter Weeks (Convener), the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg OAM, TCC Executive Officer (ex officio).
(Please note that members of the Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools and some members of the
Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education are appointed by Member Churches, others by the Annual
Meeting. The names of those appointed by Member Churches are listed for information only.)
The President welcomed and introduced the Rt. Rev’d Richard Appleby, President of the National Council of Churches in
Australia, and invited him to address the meeting.
Bishop Appleby thanked the President for her welcome, saying that he was delighted to be in Tasmania, particularly as he
had needed to decline an invitation to address the 2007 Annual Meeting due to ill health. He began by bringing greetings
from the NCCA to the TCC.
Bishop Appleby’s presentation: An overview of the Australian Ecumenical Scene- as I see it focussed on the following
􀂃 An Ecumenical Winter? (No, but is our conciliar fellowship mature enough to face the deeply divisive issues?)
ô€‚ƒ The Bi-lateral Problem and Challenge (including the post WCC’s Faith & Order Baptist, Eucharist & Ministry era;
Covenanting; reconciled diversity; focus on diversity and difference, the influence of globalization).
ô€‚ƒ Subsidiarity (and especially the relationships between Councils of Churches – State, Territory and National)
􀂃 Ecumenism and Mission (do they still belong together?)
􀂃 The Inter-Faith Issue
􀂃 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and Spiritual Ecumenism.
ô€‚ƒ Bishop Appleby concluded his remarks by highlighting that “unity is something we are called to pursue, but is also
God’s gift to the Church”.
(A CD of Bishop Appleby’s address is available. Please contact the TCC Office if you would like to order a copy).
On behalf of the members of the Annual Meeting, the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg proposed a vote of thanks to Bishop
Appleby for his encouraging and informative address and, on behalf of the Council, presented him with some Tasmanian
gifts. His remarks were supported by acclamation.
The meeting then moved to a time of Worship focusing on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which was led by the
President and included a Biblical reflection by Bishop Appleby.
After lunch, the meeting resumed for the afternoon session.
The President referred to minor alterations which need to be made to the TCC’s Constitution due to two name changes:
(1) The change of name from ‘General Secretary’ to ‘Executive Officer’ requires amendment to Sections V and VIII.
(2) The change of name from ‘Inter-Church Trade and Industry Mission’ to ‘Converge International’ requires
amendment to Section VI 1a.
Due to insufficient time for notification to all members prior to the Annual Meeting, authorization was given for the
Executive to effect the necessary changes at its next meeting. Moved Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, seconded Mr. David
Morris, carried.
Bishop Appleby, the Rev’d Garry Billing, Major Graeme McClimont and the Rev’d Allan Thompson formed a panel for a
discussion on “Baptism” in the various denominational traditions. Sr. Elizabeth Vagg facilitated the discussion.
Sr. Elizabeth began by reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 28, verses 16-20. The discussion which followed
included reflections on the meaning of the word ‘baptism’, the denominationaI practices relating to adult and child baptism,
the varying sacramental/non sacramental practices of baptism, the common Baptismal Certificate, the symbols used in
baptism, the authority to conduct baptism, faith development, concelebrating baptism between denominations.
AGM08/19 WORSHIP: The Closing Worship was led by Past President, the Rev\'d Allan Thompson. In the
context of the Closing Worship, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM was commissioned as President of the Tasmanian Council of
Churches. The President then commissioned other office-bearers.
AGM08/20 The Annual Meeting concluded with the Blessing at 3.05 pm.
CONFIRMED. PRESIDENT _______________________________
DATE _______________________________