Annual Meeting
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At the beginning of the meeting, the President acknowledged the ownership by the Leterre-mairener people of the land on which the meeting was being held. AGM07/2 Present were: ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, DIOCESE OF TASMANIA: The Ven. Dr. Christopher Jones (representing H/C), the Rev�d Alan Bulmer, the Rev�d James Collins, the Rev�d Canon Robert Legg OAM, Mr. David Morris, the Rev�d Rosemary Perrott-Russell, the Rev�d Canon Dr. Tom Wallace AM.
BAPTIST CHURCHES OF TASMANIA: The Rev�d Garry Billing (H/C), Dr. Alex Bell, Mrs. Carol Bell, Mr. Graeme Dowling, Mrs. Olive Dowling, Mr. Steve Pearce.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: The Most Rev\'d Adrian Doyle (H/C), Mrs. Marie Butterworth, Mr. Bill Conley, Mrs. Enid Conley, the Rev�d Fr. Michael Delaney, Mr. Paul Dobber, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, Mrs. Gabrielle Fraser, Mrs. Mary-Anne Johnson, Mrs. Dorothy Lawes, Mr. Tony le Clerc, Ms. Gail O�Brien, Mrs. Lynn Priest, Mr. Doug Rutledge, the Rev�d Fr. Terry Southerwood, the Rev�d Fr. Michael Tate AO, the Rev�d Fr. Terry Yard. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS, TASMANIA REGIONAL MEETING: Valmai McCulloch (representing H/C), Rudi Thurmer.
VISITORS: Sr. Frances McShane MSS, Mr. Don Roddam.
GUEST SPEAKER: The Rev�d Professor Christaan Mostert (Professor of Systematic Theology at the Uniting Church Theological College, Melbourne, Co-Chair of the Joint Anglican & UCA dialogue, President of the Melbourne College of Divinity, Chairperson of the Faith & Unity Commission of the NCCA, former President of the TCC). AGM07/3 Apologies for absence were received from:
RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS, TASMANIA REGIONAL MEETING: Ron Martin (H/C) Dr. Roslynn Haynes. THE SALVATION ARMY: Major Jenny Begent, Major Brad Jenkins, Major Alan Milkins. UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA, PRESBYTERY OF TASMANIA: The Rev�d Yono Abadi, the Rev�d Brian Cole, the Rev�d Tony Duncan, Mr. Alan Dutton, Mrs. Margaret Jones. EX-OFFICIO MEMBER: Mr. Peter Comas (Treasurer). ASSOCIATED BODIES: Dr. Jack Bowers (Jane Franklin Hall), Mr. Mark Valtas (ITIM).
2 b>OBSERVERS FROM NON-MEMBER CHURCHES: The Rev�d Ben Mogg, (Lutheran Church of Australia, Victorian District), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Christian Reformed Church). AGM07/4 The following persons were co-opted as members of the Council: Dr. Jack Bowers (JFH), Mrs. Kathy Cuthbertson, Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Miss Daphne Mitchell (ACW), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam, Mr. Mark Valtas (ITIM). The following persons were appointed as returning officers: Valmai McCulloch, Mrs. Lynn Priest. AGM07/5 The proposed agenda for the meeting was adopted. AGM07/6 The minutes for the 2006 Annual Meeting were tabled, having been previously confirmed by the Executive.
The President, the Rev�d Allan Thompson, spoke to his written report which was received by the Annual Meeting with acclamation.,br/> He expressed appreciation to the Council for the privilege of serving as its President for the last two years, and to his fellow office-bearers, members of the Executive and TCC staff for their support and encouragement.
He went on to refer to the impending changes for the TCC as a result of a severe reduction in NCCA/CWS funding as from 1st July 2007. While it is understood that the changes are being made in order to ensure that a higher proportion of CWS income is sent to overseas projects, it will nevertheless mean significant changes in the administrative operation of the TCC, resulting in loss of staff and a city office presence.
He praised the excellent work undertaken by the Commission for Christian Ministry in State Schools as they face new challenges with the expansion of chaplaincy in state schools and colleges.
A practical initiative taken by the TCC during the past year has been the formation of an Historic Church Properties Task Group. This group provides a forum for churches to consider how best to approach the issues relating to heritage-listed buildings.
The President concluded by reminding the Council that, despite difficult decisions ahead, Jesus Christ calls us into community as different parts of his one body and our discipleship demands that we continue to pray and reflect together on the one ministry of Christ in which we all share.
AGM07/8 EXECUTIVE REPORT The General Secretary spoke to his written report, particularly referring to the processes which led to the funding restructure for the TCC. While it had been a very challenging procedure, he hoped that the TCC would be able to walk forward into a new future.
He praised the development of the Historic Church Properties Task Group, creating opportunities for the churches to work together on this often complex area. In addition to Member Churches, it has been possible to include two non-member churches in the deliberations.
He thanked the Executive and the Commissions for their work during the year, highlighting the work of the Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools as they look forward to the growth in Chaplaincy in schools and colleges. Support for Christmas Bowl has continued well in Tasmania, with shopping centre collections achieving a new record last year.
A. Commission on Christian Religious Education in State Schools The Rev�d Canon Dr. Tom Wallace spoke to his written report.
The significant features of the new Guidelines for Christian Religious Education in State Schools, which have now been in place for some 18 months, were outlined and are detailed in the written report (previously circulated). The Commission has been gathering reliable data about CRE in schools around the state. From the survey so far, it appears that there is only a small percentage of children growing up with any knowledge of Christian faith and practice. The Commission continues to address this matter with enthusiasm and creativity. Dr. Wallace expressed appreciation to the members of the Primary Working Group for their efforts in providing training for CRE teachers and in raising awareness of other possibilities for providing a Christian presence in Primary Schools in Tasmania.
The Federal Government�s Chaplaincy Program has provided a fresh impetus for the provision of Chaplains, not only in High Schools and Colleges, but now in Primary Schools as well. The TCC has been nominated as the �endorsing body� and
3 Scripture Union as the �project sponsor� by the 32 schools/colleges that have so far submitted applications for Federal Government funding. A further 21 schools are exploring the possibility of chaplaincy and it is expected that they will make application in the next round of funding.
Dr. Wallace spoke about the wonderful support given to the Chaplaincy program by Greg Foot, Chaplaincy Support Officer with Scripture Union, who has been able to work with schools and has provided professional development for Chaplains. To provide support to the projected increase in the number of Chaplains, it will be necessary to employ two full time Chaplaincy officers. An application for additional funding to meet future needs is with the State Government and it is believed this will receive careful consideration. The Chaplaincy Working Group, under the able leadership of Alan Dutton, has had enormous achievements and has set priorities for the next twelve months.
Communication with the churches is a matter of great importance for the Commission and, to this end, the first edition of �School Crossing� has been distributed. A new Chaplaincy brochure has also been produced. Dr. Wallace said that a major challenge ahead is to provide the material and people resources to make the most of the God-given opportunity for Christian ministry to the young people of our state.
In response to queries from Mr. Stephen Pearce, the following points were made by Dr. Wallace:
Dr. Wallace said that it is a possibility under the Guidelines that a non-Christian Chaplain could be appointed, depending on the wishes of the local community. However, funding may be refused unless wide and appropriate consultation had taken place with all concerned in the local community. Dr. Wallace said he will follow up this matter. The Rev�d Dr. Ian Wilson added that his experience in Scottsdale is that, although the application for funding is made by the School, it has been specifically stated that a Christian Chaplain will be employed and will be associated with local churches in the area, and this proviso has been agreed to by the community.
In response to a query from Fr. Terry Southerwood, Dr. Wallace said that he did not believe there is any discrimination of the availability of funding to any school (government or non-government). However, if a full time chaplain is in place in a school then it would be unlikely that funding would be granted but, if there was a part-time chaplain, it may be possible to receive funding to increase hours.
B. Combined Commissions (Incorporating Commissions on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education; Gospel and Human Relationships; Justice and Peace) ,br/> The Rev�d Fr. Michael Tate spoke to a report prepared by the General Secretary on behalf of the three Commissions. A highlight this year was the visit of Fr. John Dear SJ, a prominent peace activist in the United States. 125 people attended his presentation in March. Following Fr. John�s visit, interest has been expressed in having a Tasmanian Christian Peace Group, possibly a branch of Pax Christi. The Peace and Justice Commission will facilitate the formation of such a group. Fr. Michael said that it had been decided, after discussion with the proponents, not to proceed with a proposal to sponsor a visit to Hobart by �Project Abraham� (travelling interfaith exhibition/talks). The decision was made partly for logistic reasons, but mostly because the project seemed too intense in the prevailing good relations that exist in Tasmania between these faiths. A concerted effort was made to attract a US evangelical to visit Tasmania to speak on the connection between scripture and ecological issues. This had not proved possible, but a very ecumenical audience supported a presentation on this topic by Fr. Sean McDonagh and Fr. Charles Rule under the �Spirituality in the Pub� banner in March. 4 The Commissions intend to continue working together in the future to stimulate thinking and action within the TCC�s member churches on matters of theology, spirituality, peace, justice and relations with other faiths.
C. Commission on Christian World Service
The Convener, the Rev�d Fr. Michael Delaney, spoke to his written report. He referred to the difficulties with National CWS�s capacity to continue funding local ecumenical bodies due to the necessity to ensure that a higher proportion of funds is sent to CWS projects overseas. Attempts are to be made in all states to increase the membership of Partners4Peace and Fr. Michael encouraged members of the Council to join the program. Kaylea Fearn, National Coordinator of Simply Sharing Week will visit the state from 16-20 May to promote the program for 2007 Send My Friend to School. She will concentrate on visiting schools, but will also speak in churches. Fr. Michael praised the important work of Christmas Bowl volunteers around the state and asked for the Council�s prayers as the new arrangements for the operation of CWS in Tasmania are worked through, particularly in the coordination and support of Christmas Bowl later in the year. The meeting resolved to accept all the above reports. AGM07/10 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT/BUDGET,br/> In the absence of the Treasurer, Mr. Peter Comas, the audited Financial Reports for 2006 were tabled by the General Secretary and adopted. The Budget for 2007 was adopted by the Annual Meeting. A minute of appreciation to the retiring Treasurer, Mr. Peter Comas, who has held the position for the last five years, was moved by the General Secretary and unanimously carried by the meeting. A minute of appreciation to the TCC�s voluntary Auditor, Mr. Laurie Collis, was moved by the General Secretary and unanimously carried by the meeting.
Letters will be forwarded to Mr. Comas and Mr. Collis. AGM07/11 RECEPTION OF COURTESY REPORTS: The Annual Meeting received courtesy reports from organisations affiliated with the TCC:
- Australian Church Women
- Inter-Church Trade and Industry Mission
- Jane Franklin Hall
AGM07/12 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Annual Meeting elected the following members to serve as officers of the Tasmanian Council of Churches until the next Annual Meeting: President: Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM Vice-President: The Rev�d Fr. Michael Delaney
Treasurer: tba.
Mr. Laurie Collis was appointed to serve as auditor until the next Annual Meeting. AGM07/13 ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO THE EXECUTIVE: The Annual Meeting elected the following people to be members of the Executive for 2007/8: Mr. Paul Dobber, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mr. Tony Le Clerc and the Rev�d Dr. Ian Wilson.
The Annual Meeting elected the following people to be Conveners and members of the TCC�s Commissions. 1. Christian Ministry in State Schools (Appointed by Member Churches and by some non-member Churches): Rev�d Canon Dr. Tom Wallace AM (Convener), Mr. David Morris, + 1 to be advised (Anglican), Mr. Ben McKinnon (Baptist), Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mrs. Lynn Priest, Ms. Helen Healy (Catholic), Captain Simon Damen (The Salvation Army), Mr. Alan Dutton (Convener Chaplaincy Working Group), + 2 to be advised (Uniting), Mrs. Veronica Schwedes (Lutheran), Mr. Graeme Roberts (south), the Mr. Ian Partridge (north) (Presbyterian), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Reformed), Ms. Ruth Pinkerton, Mr. Greg Foot (Scripture Union), Mr. C. Townsend (Fusion), Mr. David Hanlon (Education Department), TCC General Secretary (ex officio) 2. Christian World Service: (A minimum of two appointees from each Member Church is ideal): The Rev�d Fr. Michael Delaney (Convener), Mr. Paul Dobber (Catholic), The Rev�d Rosemary Perrott-Russell + 1 to be advised (Anglican), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam + 1 to be advised (Uniting), Baptist (to be advised), RSOF (to be advised), The Salvation Army (to be advised), TCC General Secretary (ex officio).
5 3. Justice and Peace Commission (Appointed by Annual Meeting): Dr. Margaret Baikie (Baptist), Mr. Doug Rutledge (Catholic), Envoy Ronda McIntyre (The Salvation Army), Rev�d Grant Finlay, Mrs. Bronwyn Morton and Dr. Ian Newman (Uniting). 4. Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology, and Education (Some members appointed by Member Churches and some by Annual Meeting): Rev�d Fr. Michael Tate (Convener), + 1 to be advised (Catholic); Rev�d John Teniswood + 1 to be advised (Anglican); (Baptist to be advised); (Religious Society of Friends to be advised); (Salvation Army to be advised); Rev�d Peter Davey + 1 to be advised (Uniting), Pastor Richard Schwedes (Lutheran); (Reformed: to be advised); Mr. Tony Le Clerc, Ms. Elspeth Liberty + 2 to be appointed (Annual Meeting); Pastor Leo Stossich (Co-opted by Commission); TCC General Secretary (ex officio).
5. Gospel and Human Relationships (Appointed by Annual Meeting): The Rev�d Peter Weeks (Convener), the Rev�d Canon Robert Legg OAM, TCC staff (ex officio). (Please note that members of the Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools and some members of the Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education are appointed by Member Churches, others by the Annual Meeting. The names of those appointed by Member Churches are listed for information only.)
The President welcomed and introduced the Rev�d Professor Christiaan Mostert to the meeting, noting that Dr. Mostert had a strong Tasmanian connection, having been the inaugural Moderator of the Uniting Church in Tasmania, and a former member and President of the TCC.
Dr. Mostert thanked the President for his welcome, saying that he was delighted to be back in Tasmania and that he owed the Tasmanian church a great deal, including his nurture in ecumenism. Dr. Mostert used the theme Called to be the One Church for his address. The title was tekan from a Text on Ecclesiology which the World Council of Churches� 9th Assembly addressed to the churches � an invitation to the Churches to renew their commitment to the Search for Unity and to deepen their Dialogue. Dr. Mostert explored the importance of unity, dialogue, the nature and mission and doctrine of the church and concluded by pointing out the importance of Councils of Churches. He urged members to consider that churches do need each other, do need encouragement and enrichment from each other, do need to be in relationships of mutual accountability with each other, and do need time to reflect on their faith and life together. Councils of Churches are uniquely placed to help this to happen. (A full text of Dr. Mostert�s address is attached to these minutes).
After giving members of the Council the opportunity to dialogue with Dr. Mostert, The Rev�d Canon Robert Legg proposed a vote of thanks to him for his encouraging address and, on behalf of the Council, presented him with a Tasmanian remembrance. This was supported by acclamation.
The meeting then moved to a time of Worship and Praise which was led by Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM. AGM07/16 THANKS
On behalf of the Council, the President, followed by Fr. Michael Delaney, expressed appreciation to the Rev�d Tim Matton- Johnson for his service of almost two years as General Secretary of the TCC. He will complete his appointment at the end of June. Thanks was also expressed to Mrs. Jennifer Roddam who has served as Administrative Assistant for the TCC for almost ten years and will retire in July. The meeting carried their remarks with acclamation. Tim and Jenny responded with gratitude for the sentiments expressed. They both wished the TCC well for the future as it works through the new structures.
AGM07/17 PANEL DISCUSSION After lunch, Dr. Mostert, the Most Rev�d Adrian Doyle, Major Allan Daddow, the Rev�d Allan Thompson and Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM formed a panel for a discussion on �TCC into the future�. The Rev�d Tim Matton-Johnson, facilitated the discussion. Comments were based on �what the TCC stands for, what it has stood for in the past and what it could stand for in the future�.
6 Discussion highlighted the following points:
- This Annual Meeting, particularly the presentation given by Dr. Mostert, reinforced that churches need to be increasingly conscious that they are part of the one church and that there needs to be some facility within Tasmania to ensure that the churches have the opportunity to work together. The dream of being able to involve the whole of the Christian community in a united witness to Christ needs to be kept alive.
- Ecumenism is not an add-on�, not an appendix, but an integral part of being a follower of Jesus Christ. Scripture teaches that churches need to work together � churches cannot but be involved.
- There are three main components: to share the faith, to explore the teachings of Jesus and to act in a way that is missional. The third has been done well, but there is need to work on the other two. We need to understand the differences and positions of each other�s denominations. (In previous years the Faith and Order Commission considered some of these questions. That particular group benefited from their studies, the results of their dialogue needed to be shared more widely).
- Praying together is important.
- There can be excitement when churches work together, e.g. through the Jesus All About Life program. The TCC is on a journey and consideration needs to be given to engaging with a wider range of churches.
- Working together in a crisis is a more recent development through the TCC as a central body, alongside the State Community Recovery Committee.
- Need to look positively into the future to use the resources we have and the gifts that God has given, even though the way of operation needs to change.
- A Council of Churches is needed under whatever structure. The only reason it should go out of existence is if it became necessary to restructure and reconstitute, as happened when the Australian Council of Churches was reborn as the National Council of Churches.
- It is important to break down barriers between denominations/groups � particularly in terms of the growth of groups with non-denominational loyalty. How might the TCC start to address itself within that culture? A good way to start is to invite people on a personal basis to an event they may not necessarily have wanted to attend. Often we can be energized by working towards unity across the wide spectrum of churches. This is all-important in breaking down barriers and false perceptions.
- Ecumenical endeavours are happening well in many local situations. How can this enthusiasm be spread more widely?
- Covenanting documents that came out of the last NCCA Forum list those things on which there is agreement. Some study materials are available and are a practical way of making linkages.
- The former Awakening Program had a whole range of non-TCC member churches involved and links were forged between churches. Non-member churches, too, are proclaiming the gospel � in a different style, but in a real way they are celebrating their life in Jesus Christ. It is necessary to be prepared to step outside our �comfort zone�.
- It is important to remember that many people who are in the newer independent churches are former members of our member churches and this is a reason to work hard at relationships. The expansion of independent-type churches may be an indictment upon us and our inability to be as inclusive as we might have been.
- Newer churches represent a wide spectrum and there has to be some discernment. Some of these churches are young and are beginning to mature as they begin to realize that they have deficiencies and work towards addressing these issues.
These points will be taken into account as the TCC looks to its future mode of operation.
AGM07/18 WORSHIP: The Closing Worship was led by Retiring President, the Rev\'d Allan Thompson. In the context of the Closing Worship, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM was commissioned as President of the Tasmanian Council of Churches. The President then commissioned other office-bearers. AGM07/19 The Annual Meeting concluded with the Blessing at 3.00 pm. CONFIRMED. PRESIDENT _______________________________ DATE _______________________________