Annual Meeting
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At the beginning of the meeting, the President acknowledged the ownership by the Mouheneenner people of the land on which the meeting was being held.
AGM06/2 Present were:
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, DIOCESE OF TASMANIA: The Ven. Dr. Christopher Jones (representing
H/C), the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg OAM, the Rev’d David le Rossignol, the Rev’d Rosemary Perrott-Russell, the Rev’d
Dr. Tom Wallace AM.
BAPTIST CHURCHES OF TASMANIA: The Rev’d Garry Billing (H/C), Dr. Margaret Baikie, Rev’d Steve Chapman, Mr. Elvin & Mrs. Gay Fist.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: The Most Rev' d Adrian Doyle (H/C), Mr. John Barker, Mrs. Enid Conley, Mrs. Joyce Cumming, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney, Mr. Paul Dobber, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, Mrs. Mary Excell, Mrs. Mary-Anne Johnson, Mrs. Dorothy Lawes, Mr. Tony le Clerc, Ms. Gail O’Brien, Mrs. Lynn Priest, the Rev’d Fr. Terry Southerwood, Mr. Martin Stone, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate AO.
UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA, PRESBYTERY OF TASMANIA: Rev’d Rosalind Terry (H/C), the Rev’d Yono Abadi, the Rev’d Peter Davey, the Rev’d Michael Edwards, the Rev’d Meg Evans, Mrs. Marilyn Goninon, Mrs. Margaret Jones, Mrs. Judith Portors, the Rev’d Peter Weeks.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: The Rev’d Allan Thompson (President), Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM (Vice-President), the Rev’d Tim Matton-Johnson (General Secretary).
CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mrs. Jennifer Roddam, Mr. Mark Valtas (ITIM). OBSERVERS FROM NON-MEMBER CHURCHES: Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Christian Reformed Churches of Australia, Classis Tasmania).
GUEST SPEAKER: The Most Rev’d Michael Putney DD (Catholic Bishop of Townsville, Member of the National Uniting Church/Roman Catholic Dialogue, Catholic Co-Chairman of the International Methodist/Roman Catholic Dialogue, Chairman of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations).
AGM06/3 Apologies for absence were received from:
Rev’d James Collins, Mrs. Jill Finch, Mr. David Morris, the Rev’d John Teniswood.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: Mrs. Pat Barker, Mr. Bill Conley, Miss Anne Landers, Mr.
Sean Tiernan.
THE SALVATION ARMY: Major Jenny Begent, Envoy Ronda McIntyre, Major Alan Milkins, Major Peter Walker.
Cole, Mr. Alan Dutton, Mrs. Frances Seen, Mrs. Barbara Wood.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: Mr. Peter Comas (Treasurer).
CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Sr. Frances McShane MSS.
ASSOCIATED BODIES: Dr. Jack Bowers (Jane Franklin Hall), Miss Daphne Mitchell (Australian Church Women).
OBSERVERS FROM NON-MEMBER CHURCHES: The Rev’d Ben Mogg, (Lutheran Church of Australia, Victorian
AGM06/4 The following persons were co-opted as members of the Council: Dr. Jack Bowers (JFH), Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Sr. Frances McShane MSS, Miss Daphne Mitchell (ACW), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam, Mr. Mark Valtas (ITIM). The following persons were appointed as returning officers: The Rev’d David Le Rossignol, Mrs. Lynn Priest.
AGM06/5 The proposed agenda for the meeting was adopted.
AGM06/6 The minutes for the 2005 Annual Meeting were tabled, having been previously confirmed by the Executive.
The President, the Rev’d Allan Thompson, spoke to his written report which was received by the Annual Meeting with
The President said that, while he lamented the fragmentation of some sections of the Christian community across Tasmania,
he was grateful to have the TCC as an ecumenical body in this state which enabled many things to be achieved together.
There was, however, regret that many Christian groups in Tasmania were not yet part of the Council and he hoped that
further possibilities can be explored for greater involvement together.
The President referred to the achievements of the last year, highlighting the following:
- the facilitation of useful conversations between Heads of Churches;
- negotiations and successful outcomes with the Education Department to continue the important task of providing Christian education in State Schools;
- the continued support of Christmas Bowl with the involvement of over 300 volunteers around the state;
- the friendships and fellowships across the boundaries;
- at the local level there is a high level of mutual support and cooperation between churches – a magnificent example of this had been displayed recently at Beaconsfield at the time of the mining disaster;
- the development of relationships between the TCC and the Department of Health and Human Services to provide support services in the case of an emergency.
There were challenges ahead in relation to support from the churches for Christmas Bowl, to structural arrangements for the Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools, the need to address heritage issues relating to church properties in this state, and to consider what it means to be Christian in a multi-faith global village. The President expressed thanks to those who had contributed significantly to the TCC over the past year – the Executive, Executive Working Group and the Commissions. TCC General Secretary, the Rev’d Tim Matton-Johnson, had been welcomed in July 2005 and the President praised the contribution and leadership which Tim is providing.
The General Secretary spoke to his written report, particularly highlighting the development of relationships between the
TCC and the State Emergency Recovery Committee. A Memorandum of Understanding between the TCC and the
Department of Health and Human Services details the role that the churches are able to play in the case of a disaster
situation, both locally and on a broader scale. Chaplains attended a training session last October and there will be an
ongoing interaction with local emergency committees.
The General Secretary thanked all those who had welcomed and assisted him since he had taken up duty at the TCC.
Referring to comments in the General Secretary’s written report, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate emphasized the value of
overseas visitors, eg Zack Sabella from the Middle East and Aisake Casimira from Fiji, who had been able to share their
experience and passion for their work. He had found their stories to be inspiring and said he hoped the practice of bringing
such people to the state would be continued.
A. Commission on Christian Religious Education in State Schools
The Rev’d Dr. Tom Wallace spoke to the report prepared by the retiring Convener, the Rev’d Alan Bulmer.
At the outset , Dr. Wallace spoke about the important and very significant contribution to the work of the Commission made
by Alan who had brought to the Commission a tremendous enthusiasm for the work of religious education in state schools
and the work of Chaplaincy. The Council owes a considerable debt to him. Dr. Wallace moved a Minute of Appreciation,
as follows:
“That this Council records its very great appreciation to the Rev’d Alan Bulmer for his enthusiastic,
faithful and committed service as retiring Convener of the Commission on Christian Ministry in State
The Minute was carried unanimously and will be conveyed to Rev’d Alan.
Dr. Wallace referred to a decision taken at the 2005 Annual Meeting to change the name of the Commission from ‘Christian
Religious Education in State Schools’ to ‘Christian Ministry in State Schools’. This was an important change because the
Commission is concerned not only with religious education in state schools, but with the whole and rapidly growing area of
It was pleasing to note that changes under the new Guidelines had not resulted in a dramatic fall in the numbers attending classes. Although there appears to be a renewed enthusiasm for Christian Religious Education in a number of places, there remains a major challenge as only about 30% of schools in Tasmania are receiving CRE. New Guidelines for Chaplaincy in both Primary and Secondary schools have been approved by the Minister for Education. A growing interest for chaplaincy in Primary Schools is anticipated and this will create major challenges for the Commission.
Dr. Wallace spoke about the generous contribution to the work of the Commission by Scripture Union who, in all but two cases, is the employing agency for chaplains. Extraordinary assistance has been given to training and providing information for CRE teachers. A small working group has been set up to clarify the relationships and future directions between Scripture Union, the Commission and the TCC. It was noted that if an application for Government funding is successful in the future, the receiving body will need to be incorporated. New opportunities are emerging for religious education through the Essential Learning program. To support the work of the Education Department within the EL framework will pose further challenges for the Commission to work through. The Rev’d Fr. Terry Southerwood commended the Government’s supportive attitude and encouraged the Commission to continue to promote that relationship. He referred to a recent article in the press indicating that numbers were decreasing in state schools and increasing in Catholic and Independent schools. Dr. Wallace responded that for many parents the question of values is very important and renewed interest by Governments around the country in this area of learning is due in part to the realization that a number of children are being transferred out of the state school system. The Commission needs to be as supportive as possible of the renewed emphasis on values education.
B. Commission on Christian World Service
The Convener, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney, spoke to his written report, explaining that Christian World Service
programs form a significant part of the work of the TCC. The CWS Commission is a requirement of the Partnership
Agreement between the National Council of Churches and the TCC.
Fr. Michael highlighted the forthcoming visit to Tasmania by Kaylea Fearn from NCCA CWS from 31 May – 4 June.
Kaylea is National Coordinator of Simply Sharing Week and she will be speaking in various centres in the north-west,
north, midlands and south of the state. Simply Sharing Week was formerly a program of forceten and, although forceten
concluded at the end of 2005, Simply Sharing Week will continue as a shared program between Caritas and CWS. The
theme for 2006 is Simply hoping for Health – the Solomon Islands Story and picks up three of the Millennium Development
Goals to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health and to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
Fr. Michael encouraged membership of the Partners4Peace CWS program which supports peace initiatives in a number of
Tasmania looks forward to a visit by Visier Sanyu (Refugee and Displaced Persons Worker from NCCA CWS Melbourne
Office) at the end of August to coincide with Refugee and Migrant Sunday.
The latest Tasmanian figure for the current Christmas Bowl Appeal is $80, 616.10. This is less than at the same time last
year, partly because of a change by NCCA in the accounting period, and the fact that Christmas Day fell on a Sunday in
2005 and this was therefore reflected in Christmas Bowl offerings in churches on that day.
Mr. Paul Dobber was then invited to present the following Minute of Appreciation for the work of the late George Castley
and of condolence to his widow and family:
This Annual Meeting of the Tasmanian Council of Churches wishes to acknowledge and recognise the
work that George Castley performed over many years to support those in need. He was for many years a
member of the World Justice and Development Commission of this Council of Churches and in that
commission worked tirelessly and with flair and enthusiasm for CWS, and many other such causes. He
was until the time of his death a member of the Northern Tasmanian CWS committee and for many years
had coordinated and assisted with a number of shopping centre collections in the Launceston area.
In all these causes he was unstinting in his efforts and boundless in his enthusiasm and dedication.
With all this George displayed a warmth, honesty, sincerity and Christian kindness and gentleness that
was as much a feature of his makeup as was his dedication to those suffering poverty and injustice.
He was indeed, in words of St Paul, a man “….clothed in heartfelt compassion, in generosity and humility,
gentleness and patience …” He was “always thankful”. (Col 3: 12, 15)
St Paul goes on to say in this third chapter of Colossians, “Whatever your work is, put your heart into it as
done for the Lord .. who will repay you by making you his heir.” (Col 3: 24). It is that inheritance, that
we are confident he has now so justly claimed.
We also acknowledge and sympathise with the loss that Pat, together with all of George’s family, must be
feeling. We hope that the memory of so kind and good a man will sustain them in their sorrow and we
assure them of our prayers and support.
The Minute was carried unanimously and will be forwarded to his widow, Mrs. Pat Castley.
C. Combined Commissions (Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education; Gospel and Human
Relationships; Justice and Peace)
Fr. Michael Tate said that meeting together had proved to be beneficial and fruitful for these three Commissions and he
outlined some achievements over the past year and plans for the future. Relating more specifically to the ESTE
Commission, he drew attention to a very successful inter-faith event held last September. The confluence of the Muslim
Holy Month of Ramadan, the Jewish Holy Month of Tishrei and the Christian Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, all coinciding
in the first week of October, had created an occasion to commit the three Abrahamic faith communities to the cause of
peace. The event was very successful and it is hoped to build on this in the future.
Referring to earlier comments which lamented the fact that some Christian communities from the Pentecostal tradition in
Tasmania are outside the TCC, Fr. Michael said that the Commission is fortunate to have Pastor Leo Stossich (State Leader
of the Apostolic Church) as a member and his input has been valuable to the discussions. In considering issues of ecology
and spirituality, Pastor Leo had suggested that Rev’d Jim Wall from the US be invited to lecture in Australia. Rev’d Wall
comes from a fundamentalist evangelistic stream in the US which has taken a strong stand on global warming. The
Commission believes that, not only would his visit give a new dimension to our discussions as an Australian community,
but would be very attractive to those church communities which are outside the TCC and the NCCA and could have the
benefit of building alliances with them.
In the absence of the Treasurer, Mr. Peter Comas, the audited Financial Report for 7/1/2005 – 6/1/2006 was tabled and
adopted unanimously.
The Budget for 2006, having been presented to the Executive earlier in the year, was adopted by the Annual Meeting.
AGM06/11 RECEPTION OF COURTESY REPORTS: The Annual Meeting received courtesy reports from organisations affiliated with the TCC:
- Australian Church Women
- Inter-Church Trade and Industry Mission
- Jane Franklin Hall
5 AGM06/12 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Annual Meeting elected the following members to serve as officers of the Tasmanian Council of Churches until the next Annual Meeting: President: The Rev’d J. Allan Thompson Vice-President: Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM Treasurer: Mr. Peter Comas Mr. Laurie Collis was appointed to serve as auditor until the next Annual Meeting. AGM06/13 ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE: The Annual Meeting elected the following people to be members of the Executive: Rev’d Keith Allcock, the Rev’d Peter Davey, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg OAM, and Mr. Tony Le Clerc.
The Annual Meeting elected the following people to be Conveners and members of the TCC’s Commissions.
1. Christian World Service: (This Commission is required as part of the TCC’s obligation under the
Partnership Agreement with the National Council of Churches. A minimum of two appointees from each
Member Church is required).
The Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney (Convener & Catholic representative), Mr. Paul Dobber (Catholic), The Rev’d
Rosemary Perrott-Russell + 1 to be advised (Anglican), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam + 1 to be advised (Uniting),
Baptist (to be advised), RSOF (to be advised), The Salvation Army (to be advised), TCC General Secretary (ex
2. Justice and Peace Commission: Dr. Margaret Baikie (Baptist), Mr. Doug Rutledge (Catholic), Envoy Ronda McIntyre (The Salvation Army), Rev’d Grant Finlay, Mrs. Bronwyn Morton, Dr. Ian Newman. (Uniting). 3. Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology, and Education (Some members appointed by Member Churches and some by Annual Meeting): Rev’d John Teniswood, 1 to be advised (Anglican); (Baptist to be advised); Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate AO, 1 to be advised (Catholic ); (Religious Society of Friends to be advised); (Salvation Army to be advised); Rev’d Peter Davey, 1 to be advised (Uniting), Pastor Richard Schwedes (Lutheran); (Reformed: to be advised); Mr. Tony Le Clerc, 3 others to be appointed (Annual Meeting); Pastor Leo Stossich (Co-opted by Commission); TCC General Secretary (ex officio)
4. Christian Ministry in State Schools (Appointed by Member Churches and by some non-member Churches): Mr. David Morris, the Rev’d Dr. Tom Wallace AM (Anglican), Mr. Ben McKinnon (Baptist), Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Mrs. Lynn Priest (Catholic), Captain Simon Damen (The Salvation Army), Mr. Alan Dutton (Convener Chaplaincy Working Group), the Rev’d Ron Manley (Uniting), Mrs. Veronica Schwedes (Lutheran), Mr. Graeme Roberts (south), the Rev’d Peter Thorneycroft (north) (Presbyterian), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Reformed), Ms. Kaye Hunter (Scripture Union), Mr. C. Townsend (Fusion), TCC General Secretary (ex officio)
5. Gospel and Human Relationships (Appointed by Annual Meeting): The Rev’d Peter Weeks (Convener), the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg OAM, TCC staff (ex officio). (Please note that members of the Commission on Christian Ministry in State Schools and some members of the Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education are appointed by Member Churches, others by the Annual Meeting. The names of those appointed by Member Churches are listed for information only.) AGM06/15 KEYNOTE ADDRESS The President welcomed and introduced Bishop Michael Putney and invited him to address the meeting. Bishop Michael gave an inspirational and challenging address entitled Dialogue as a work of the Holy Spirit drawing us together in Christ. Bishop Michael referred to the tiredness and ageing of the ecumenical movement and the necessity for Christians to recover the energy, enthusiasm and expectation for the journey which is being driven by the Holy Spirit. It is the same Christ in each of us who has been leading us to this point of history and will continue to lead us to the future mission of the church in the world. Bishop Michael urged Christians to keep collaborating and stressed the importance of Christians praying together.
6 Bishop Michael went on to speak in detail about current dialogues happening throughout the world – all as a response to the unity that Christ longs for. If we allow our hearts and Christ’s to be one it will be achieved. (A CD of Bishop Michael’s address is available. Please contact the TCC office if you would like to have a copy). The Rev’d Canon Robert Legg thanked Bishop Michael for the gift of his address which had been given with intellect, grace and spirit and, on behalf of the Council, presented him with some Tasmanian remembrances. The meeting then moved to a time of Worship and Praise which was led by Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM. The Worship included a Biblical reflection on the theme for the day by Bishop Michael Putney. AGM06/16 PANEL DISCUSSION After lunch, Bishop Michael, Mr. John Barker and Miss Nathalie Norris formed a panel for a discussion on the topic Local Ecumenism at Work. The President, Rev’d Allan Thompson, moderated the discussion. The President apologized on behalf of Sr. Frances McShane MSS and Mrs. Frances Seen from Beaconsfield who were to have been part of the discussion. With the pressures of the past weeks in Beaconsfield, they had not been able to come. Examples were given about the extraordinary way the churches in Beaconsfield had served the community during the recent Mine tragedy.
Mr. Barker spoke about the history of the ecumenical movement in Penguin and outlined details of the formation of the Penguin Inter-Church Council. Regular events, eg Ecumenical Stations of the Cross, Carols by Candlelight, services for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Lenten and Advent discussion groups have provided opportunities for the churches of Penguin to collaborate. The Inter-Church Council has also explored inter-faith dialogue and has invited a number of speakers to assist in this reflection. Miss Norris outlined the history of the churches in the Huon. In recent years many people have moved into the Huon area, mainly from interstate, and the church has been able to welcome a number of younger families. Opportunities were given for ecumenical activities throughout the year, eg Harvest Festivals, Lenten Studies, Easter Festival, Cell groups meeting for Bible Studies etc. These events were supported by all denominations. The Huon Community Church, made up of Baptists, Catholics, Uniting Church, Church of Christ and Presbyterians, presently has a young minister under the auspices of the Church of Christ. Churches in Judbury, Glen Huon and Cygnet have been retained in the hope that God will fill them again in the future.
Bishop Michael spoke about his regular meetings with the Anglican Bishop of Townsville and the Uniting Church Presbytery Chair to talk about major events or common issues. He reiterated earlier comments that the ecumenical scene in local areas can be significantly affected by the commitment of clergy to fostering ecumenical activity. Bishop Michael went on to speak about dialogue with Queensland Churches Together and Scripture Union relating to Chaplaincies and others who are interested in ecumenism for the sake of mission. He suggested that a way forward at the local level may be by covenanting on issues that can be agreed upon between the churches. New resources in the Christians in Dialogue series are available and may be helpful in this process. The President thanked panel members for their participation which had prompted an interesting discussion and had given members of the Annual Meeting an added insight into and consciousness about initiatives to work towards ecumenism on the local level.
AGM06/17 WORSHIP: The Closing Worship was led by Past President, the Rev'd Canon Robert Legg. In the context of the Closing Worship, the Rev’d Allan Thompson was commissioned as President of the Tasmanian Council of Churches. The President then commissioned other office-bearers. AGM06/18 The Annual Meeting concluded with the Blessing at 3.05 pm. CONFIRMED. PRESIDENT _______________________________ DATE _______________________________