Annual Meeting
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At the beginning of the meeting, the President acknowledged the ownership by the Mouhenene people of the land on which
the meeting was being held.
AGM04/2 Present were:
the Rev’d David le Rossignol, Mrs. Kaye Paice, the Rev’d Rosemary Perrott-Russell, the Rev’d John Tongue, Mrs. Betty
BAPTIST CHURCHES OF TASMANIA: The Rev’d Garry Billing (H/C), Dr. Margaret Baikie, the Rev’d Ian
Carmichael, the Rev’d Trevor Chalk, the Rev’d Ted Nibbs, Mrs. Dawn Nibbs.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: The Most Rev’d Adrian Doyle (H/C), Mr. Josh Ariens, the
Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney, Mr. Paul Dobber, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, Ms. Penny Edman, Mrs. Mary Excell, Sr. Barbara
Hateley MSS, Mrs. Mary-Anne Johnson, Mr. Tony Le Clerc, Mrs. Lynn Priest, Mrs. Phyl Sharman, Mrs. Eris Smyth OAM,
the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM.
Keith Allcock, Mr. George Castley, the Rev’d Brian Cole, Miss Bridget Cousens, the Rev’d Peter Davey, Ms. Caro Field,
Ms. Wendy Groot, the Rev’d Beth Hancock, the Rev’d Rod Horsfield, Mrs. Heather Jatan, Mrs. Bronwyn Morton, the
Rev’d Rosalind Terry, the Rev’d Peter Weeks. United Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress: Mr. Wayne Everett,
the Rev’d Grant Finlay.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: The Rev’d Canon Robert Legg OAM, (President), the Rev’d J. Allan Thompson (Vice-
President), the Rev’d Val Graydon (General Secretary), Mr. Peter Comas (Treasurer).
CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Mrs. Lillian Deane (representing Australian Church Women), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam (TCC
GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Jill Tabart (Chair of the National Council of Churches’ Working Group on the Decade to
Overcome Violence). .
VISITORS: The Rev’d Yono Abadi, Mr. Alan Jones, Mrs. Margaret Jones (Wynyard UCA congregation), Mr. Mark
Valtas (State Co-ordinator of ITIM)
AGM04/3 Apologies for absence were received from:
Rev’d James Collins, the Rev’d Wendy Knott, the Rev’d Bill Percey, Mrs. Beverley Percey, the Rev’d John Teniswood, the
Rev’d Dr. Tom Wallace.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARCHDIOCESE OF HOBART: Mr. John Barker, Mrs. Enid Conley, Sr. Jill Dance SSJ, Mr.
Adrian Sullivan
THE SALVATION ARMY: Major Allan Daddow (H/C), Major Alan Milkins.
ASSOCIATE MEMBER CHURCHES: Mr. Clinton Wardle (Hobart City Church of Christ).
OBSERVERS FROM NON-MEMBER CHURCHES: Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Christian Reformed Churches of Australia,
Classis Tasmania), The Rev’d Ben Mogg, (Lutheran Church of Australia, Victorian District).
GUEST SPEAKER: The Rev’d Sue Gormann (Moderator of the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria & Tasmania).
AGM04/4 The following persons were co-opted as members of the Council: Mrs. Lillian Deane (Australian Church
Women), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam (TCC staff).
The meeting resolved to associate Dr. Jill Tabart (keynote speaker), Rev’d Yono Abadi, Mr. Alan and Mrs. Margaret Jones
(visitors) and Mr. Mark Valtas (State Co-ordinator of ITIM) with the Council for the meeting.
The following persons were appointed as returning officers: Ms. Caro Field, Mr. Jack Graydon and Mrs. Lynn Priest.
AGM04/5 The proposed agenda for the meeting was adopted.
AGM04/6 The minutes for the 2003 Annual Meeting were tabled, having been previously confirmed by the
The President, the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, spoke to his written report which was received by the Annual Meeting with
acclamation. He expressed his appreciation to TCC officers, staff, Commissions and all who had been committed to the
work of the TCC over the past twelve months. He particularly mentioned the wonderful contribution of the large number of
Christmas Bowl volunteers who had assisted with shopping centre collections throughout the state and expressed regret that,
due to financial constraints, the northern Christian World Service Field Officer’s position had been concluded as from July
2003. The Rev’d Aileen Fitzgerald had filled this position with dedication and enthusiasm.
The President said he was personally disappointed that, during the last twelve months, he had been unable to fulfil his
promise to engage with Pentecostal Churches in Tasmania to encourage ecumenical involvement. He looked forward to
continuing this project during the next twelve months as the TCC seeks to find A New Vision for Churches Working
Together in Tasmania. He drew attention to John 17, the gospel reading for the day, highlighting verses 22-23: I have given
them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to
complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. The President spoke
about his conviction that we must seek in each other the revelation of the Glory of the Lord and so fulfil the desire of His
heart, That they may be one.
In closing, the President referred to the deaths of two people during the past year who had served the TCC over many years:
Auntie Ida West, who had been a long standing member of the World Justice and Development Commission and a
wonderful representative of the Indigenous community, and Mr. David Thorpe who had served for some years as the TCC’s
representative on the Tasmanian Heritage Council.
The General Secretary spoke to her written report. She asked that, as the formality of the Annual meeting was worked
through, the theme for the day A New Vision for Churches Working Together in Tasmania, be the central focus. At the 2003
Annual Meeting she had used the illustration of a rose bush to speak for the need to change – to prune the dead wood and
nurture new growth. She said that this had been her focus in all that she had addressed during the past year. She drew
attention to a picture of plum blossom which she had brought back from her recent visit to China as an inspiration for the
2004 Annual Meeting. This picture represented for her the strength and courage needed for the Council to pursue change –
a constant reminder of the various denominations of the Council and the Church in Tasmania and the support and nurture
required of each other for the sake of the gospel. She reminded delegates that the Council was not another church, not
another agency, but the sum of the member churches. Unity should be the greatest strength to pursue a new vision.
The General Secretary went on to remind the Council of the two inter-related, and yet separate functions of the TCC. 60%
of TCC funding is received from NCCA to undertake the work of CWS in Tasmania. Under the Partnership Agreement
with NCCA, the Council has obligations and responsibilities, hence the formation of the new CWS Commission and
regional groups to meet those requirements. The other function of TCC was the “ecumenical journey together” which is
struggling in this state. The need to review the functions of the TCC’s Commissions and to renew communication between
member churches is essential in the exploration of new directions. The Executive has also approved the formation of a
Working Group which will have two areas of responsibility – i.e. practical issues such as the possibility of revisiting the
TCC’s Constitution as well as to organize conversation days between member churches later in 2004. The proposed
conversation days could include such topics as how might we further our worship together? how tough it is to be church in
the 21st century, what are the broader aspects for us working together in the community(eg Chaplaincy in schools,
hospitals, domestic violence industrial mission etc.)?, what opportunities are there to witness to our faith more effectively to
extend the love of God? (e.g. the Franklin Festival in 2005 would be an opportunity to reconnect across the denominations).
The General Secretary went on to give a brief synopsis of her study tour and project monitoring visit to China on behalf of
the National Council of Churches. Delegates were invited to join workshops already arranged at Scots-Memorial Uniting
Church on 22nd May and Holy Spirit Catholic Church on 29 May. In addition to those workshops already arranged, the
General Secretary said she would be happy to visit anywhere in the state and conduct workshops/speak to groups to share
her experiences and promote the work of Christian World Service.
A Commission on Christian Religious Education in State Schools
The Convener, the Rev’d Alan Bulmer, spoke to his written report. He thanked all those who had been involved with the
Commission over the past year, particularly Mr. Graham Clements (Baptist representative) who had retired after many
years of service on the Commission. Rev’d Peter Weeks had retired as Convener of the Primary Working Group, but would
continue as a co-opted member of the Commission. Enthusiasm and skill such as his was vital to the work of the
Commission. Mrs. Mary-Anne Johnson had replaced Rev’d Weeks as Convener of the PWG. He went on to speak about
the expertise and commitment of Sr. Barbara Hateley as Liaison Officer and Mr. Matt Durose as Convener of the Secondary
Working Group which included work related to Chaplaincy in High Schools and Colleges.
Sr. Barbara, Matt Durose and the Convener had been invited to join a group of people with the Education Department to
look at the Education Act in respect to religious education in Tasmanian schools. Mr. Bulmer asked for prayers for this
vital work of bringing Christian religious education to students, many of whom would otherwise have no opportunity to
hear the good news of the Gospel.
B. Commission on the Gospel and Human Relationships
The Convener, the Rev’d Peter Weeks, spoke to his written report. He said that overall it had been a quiet year for the
Commission. Anger had been the topic for the 2004 March Seminar Series when seven speakers had provided challenging
and stimulating presentations. Attendances had been disappointing, but it was noted that there had been a clash of events on
some evenings for a number of the usual supporters of the series.
The Commission would welcome new members to join in discussions on other areas of the Commission’s mandate – i.e. to
study and reflect on issues affecting the understanding of human relationships in the light of the Gospel. The time and
venue for meetings had changed to 4.30 pm on the second Tuesday of alternate months at the TCC Office.
As a resident of Launceston, the Rev’d Beth Hancock asked if consideration had been given to disseminate the material
from the March seminars to a wider audience than to those people living in Hobart. The Convener said that attempts had
been made to establish a similar series in the north of the state but, due to a number of personnel changes, this had not
happened. Because of the interactive and often personal nature of the presentations, it had not seemed appropriate to
publish the talks. The Commission would be open to ideas about how other areas could be covered.
C. Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education
The Rev’d Rod Horsfield spoke to the written report on behalf of co-conveners, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate and himself.
He spoke of the difficulties, as set out in report, which the Commission had tried to work with during the past year. Despite
considerable energy on the part of its members to renew enthusiasm for the work of the Commission, it had not been
The essential tasks of the Commission still remained important and he believed the priorities of the Commission needed to
be addressed by the Council. Rev’d Horsfield highlighted the vital need for discussions by way of questions such as: How
do we engage one another and our culture in re-thinking our ecumenical mission priorities when most of our ministry
workers are under pressure within their own denominational structures and local congregations? How do we address the
spiritual hunger of our age with the good news of Jesus Christ? How are our churches engaging in theological reflection,
biblical and theological scholarship? How are we relating Christian faith with science and secular issues? How could the
application of the Lund principle stir us up on the local level?
These were all matters of vital importance and there needed to be an appropriate avenue within the TCC for these issues to
be explored. It was with regret that this Commission had not been able to find a way forward during the past twelve
D. Commission on World Justice and Development
The former Convener, Mr. Paul Dobber, spoke to his written report. He noted that the Commission had been dissolved at
the end of 2003 to make way for the two new Commissions – Christian World Service and Peace and Justice. As the last
convener of the World Justice and Development Commission, he thanked all members for their dedication and service to the
church in Tasmania, and more particularly to people in need all around the world. He spoke about the Commission’s
involvement in Indigenous, multicultural and refugee issues and thanked the Council for having had the opportunity to serve
on this Commission. He looked forward with hope to the advent of the new Commissions.
A brief report was given by Fr. Michael Delaney about TASDEC (Tasmanian Development Education Centre) which had
been forced to close following a radical reduction in federal government funding during 2003. As the TCC’s representative
on TASDEC, he had met with two former members of the Committee. He reported that efforts were still being made to
seek funding so that TASDEC could continue its valuable educative role in a less formal way than in the past, possibly
assisted through grant funding for specific issues.
E. Commission on Mass Media
The Convener, Ms. Penny Edman, reported that the Commission had not met during the last couple of years. She believed,
however, that media is critical for the spread of the Gospel in the media-saturated society in which we live and she therefore
proposed the following:
1. That the Mass Media Commission be given another twelve months in which to redefine itself;
2. That membership of the Commission be held open for the immediate future, with the TCC Executive given power to
appoint members should that happy position be reached before the Annual General Meeting of 2005;
3. That a working party comprising the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg (TCC President and long-involved media exponent),
the Rev’d Val Graydon (TCC General Secretary), Penny Edman (Mass Media Commission Convener, experienced
journalist and Church media worker) and another TCC Member Church media representative (either nominated at the
AGM, or co-opted later) revisit the Mass Media Commission mandate and determine the Commission’s future – either
redefining a realistic role for the Commission in supporting the media usage/understanding of Member Churches
within the TCC structure or closure of the Commission.
In the light of the Commission’s struggle, Rev’d Brian Cole suggested that a “Mass Media Consultancy” with a focus by
one or two people, might be more appropriate than a Commission. Rev’d David Le Rossignol added that, as well as living
in a media-saturated society, we also live in a society saturated with the arts and it may be beneficial to enlarge the ambit of
the Commission to include both mass media and the arts. Ms. Edman said that these suggestions, along with all other
options, would be carefully considered by the proposed Working Party.
The meeting resolved to accept the above recommendations as submitted by the Convener.
It was moved by Dr. Rosemary Dobber, seconded Rev’d Peter Weeks, that the reports be received. Carried.
Questions raised following the presentation of reports:
Mr. Tony Le Clerc said that as he had listened to the reports of the President, General Secretary, the ESTE and Mass Media
Commissions, the question had been raised for him: Do we really believe in ecumenism any more, as was the case in the
days of his youth? It was his observation that churches seem to have ‘closed in’ because the problems are just too great to
change. Mr. Le Clerc spoke of what he saw as some of the ‘positives’ – for example, although there were now only 20
Diocesan priests in Tasmania, this had created wonderful opportunities for lay involvement in the Catholic Church. He
went on to say that ecumenism also presents similar opportunities for lay involvement in our community. He then asked:
Do we believe in the catholicity of the church? He believed that to be a ‘real catholic’ in the universal church of God
required gifts of the Protestant and Orthodox traditions, and reiterated: Do we still believe in ecumenism?
Ms. Wendy Groot noted that there are instances of local churches actually working together well in this state. She
commented that, through the structure of the Commission reports, she had not seen many signs of hope. The President said
that the opportunity to explore local initiatives would be given in interdenominational discussion groups later in the
meeting. He added that the question of reviving the ecumenical movement in Tasmania was being addressed by the Council
and this would take priority during the coming year.
The Treasurer, Mr. Peter Comas, presented the audited Financial Report for 7/1/2003 – 6/1/2004. The opening balance of
the General Account had been $772.17 but through careful monitoring, the closing balance for the year was $2,799.50. In
addition, term deposits amounted to $16,249.23. The Treasurer moved the adoption of the report, seconded Dr. Dobber,
The passing of Mr. Chris Scandrett who had been the TCC’s auditor for many years was noted with regret. The Executive
had appointed Mr. Laurie Collis to fulfil this role, and it was moved by the Treasurer that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr.
Collis for auditing the 2003 accounts. Seconded Rev’d Weeks, carried.
The Budget for 2004, having been presented to the Executive earlier in the year, was adopted by the Annual Meeting.
The President welcomed and introduced Dr. Jill Tabart and invited her to address the meeting. Jill gave a very stimulating
and enlightening address entitled The Legacy of Noah: the DOVe’s Flight Continues. A copy of her address is attached to
the minutes (Appendix I).
The Vice-President, on behalf of the Council, thanked Jill for her presentation which had raised many issues (including
those related to the Decade to Overcome Violence) that were challenging for the church at this time and had encouraged
Member Churches to continue to discuss the ongoing ecumenical journey
The Rev’d Beth Hancock spoke about the visit to Tasmania by the Rev’d Dr. Howard Wallace, Professor of Old Testament
at the UCA Theological Hall, Melbourne, and a member of the United Faculty of Theology. Dr. Wallace will lead a
workshop on the Psalms at St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Pontville on Friday 21 May 1.30 – 4.30 pm. This event is
sponsored by the Tasmanian Council of Churches and registrations can be made with the TCC office. On Saturday May
22nd Dr. Wallace will present a workshop/seminar focusing on the readings from the prophets appearing in the lectionary
this year at Trinity Uniting Church, Launceston. Registrations to Rev’d Beth Hancock (6331 9784 or e-mail
AGM04/13 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Annual Meeting elected the following members to serve as officers
of the Tasmanian Council of Churches until the next Annual Meeting:
President: The Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, OAM
Vice-President: The Rev’d J. Allan Thompson
Treasurer: Mr. Peter Comas
Mr. Laurie Collis was appointed to serve as auditor until the next Annual Meeting.
AGM04/14 HEADS OF CHURCHES- comments on theme A New Vision for Churches Working Together in
Uniting Church
Pastor Dennis Cousens spoke about his ecumenical involvement – as Moderator of the Uniting Church Presbytery of
Tasmania, as a Prison Chaplain and as Director of the Hobart City Mission. Pastor Cousens said that, although there had
been some difficult times within the life of the Church, he was encouraged that this had ultimately led to the strengthening
of various ministries. He said the Christian Church world-wide was limited only by our imagination. His experience,
particularly with the City Mission and Prison Chaplaincy had led him to the view that the Church can make a difference to
people who are calling out for help. He said the Church should not be hampered by regulations, but should concentrate on
radiating the unconditional love of Christ, always Christ-focused, not insular or self-focused.
The Salvation Army
Major Peter Walker apologized that Major Daddow was unable to be at the Annual Meeting.
The Salvation Army in Tasmania had begun the year by meeting at Woodfield Lodge to address issues facing the Salvation
Army as ‘Church’ in Tasmania. A positive was the move away from a concentration on internal matters and a move
towards a focus of doing church well. Some of the congregations had been discussing initiatives for working together.
He agreed with earlier comments that the Franklin Graham Festival planned for March 2005 would create an opportunity
for churches to work together. He knew that Major Daddow was committed to working together as an ecumenical
movement in whatever way that The Salvation Army could contribute.
Catholic Church
The Most Rev’d Adrian Doyle, Archbishop of Hobart, said he had been challenged by Dr. Tabart’s address which had
been a timely reminder of the number of initiatives for the church to keep in focus and the need to give them the respect
they deserved. Through her presentation, consciousness had been raised about initiatives for working together rather than as
separate church groupings. He expressed his commitment to everything that opposed violence and said that the issues
raised by the Decade to Overcome Violence provided opportunities for churches to work together.
Archbishop Doyle issued a note of caution about the necessity to take time for reflection as we work together to rethink the
future of the TCC before committing ourselves to just ‘another venture’. He spoke about the frequent change of leadership
in some denominations which can create problems through lack of continuity. He believed that courage can be rebuilt in the
Holy Spirit as we believe in the risen Christ who can guide us into the future.
Baptist Church
The Rev’d Garry Billing, Superintendent of the Baptist Churches of Tasmania, explained that the Baptist association
with TCC was limited and their concern was primarily with matters not covered by CWS. The Baptist Churches had sat
rather tenuously with TCC for a number of years. There was notional agreement with the Lund principle and the TCC basis
and functions rather than actual values. Baptist Christians had a lot to learn from association with the wider Church as well
as something to contribute from their own experience. He hoped and prayed they would continue to do both.
Rev’d Billing put forward the following points as a way forward for a new vision for the TCC.
• The vision needs to be birthed out of renewed prayerful attentiveness to Jesus with a focus on Jesus Christ as Head
of Church. It is very important that there is some kind of process of prayerful reflection and discernment. Being
on mission together will determine the structures. Prayerfully seek Jesus together.
• The new vision needs to be more inclusive. Need to find ways of involving some other churches and
denominations in conversation before proceeding too far forward in the new vision. There is a need to be more
intentional about bringing other groups at least into the conversation. It is important that we consult with the
younger elements in our churches and try to get them to give critiques.
• The vision needs to be formulated in the context of mission in the post-Christendom, post-denominational, postmodern
world in which we find ourselves.
• The vision needs to be focused practically with visible and effective ministry, e.g. the CRESS Commission – all
would acknowledge that here is a practical missional task in our community.
• Any new vision needs to acknowledge and affirm many of the interdenominational and ecumenical expressions of
church (and so-called parachurch) not yet encompassed by this Council, eg. Scripture Union, Southland, Church
Consultancy Tasmania, Renewal Retreats – to broaden and take into our sights those things which are already
working productively.
Anglican Church
The Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, Vicar General, apologized for Bishop John Harrower’s absence from the Annual
Meeting .
A copy of the Bishop’s paper which had recently been distributed to all Anglican congregations, A Healthy Church:
transforminglife was presented to the meeting as the offering of a way forward for the Church in Tasmania.
The Vicar-General supported the need to begin working with other Christian organisations such as YWAM, Fusion,
Scripture Union etc. He went to speak about some of the difficulties and hurts that had been experienced by the church,
particularly relating to sexual abuse by clergy and church leaders and the necessity to find new ways forward.
He went on to quote from A Healthy Church: transforminglife the following points which were submitted as a way forward
for the TCC:
“We must:
1. Turn to God in humility
2. Become missionary disciples
3. Refocus on the mission of God in the world
4. Develop creative, innovative and flexible ministries
5. Bring about structural change to enliven new ministry
6. Release the resources we need to reform the church.
Every one of us must submit to the transforming work of God if these things are to happen. transforminglife is God’s heart
In the light of the theme for the day A New Vision for Churches Working Together in Tasmania, the Annual Meeting broke
into six Inter-denominational groups to discuss prepared questions about the ecumenical journey in Tasmania, taking into
account points made in Dr. Tabart’s presentation relating to the Decade to Overcome Violence.
The questions and responses are attached to the minutes (Appendix II).
AGM04/16 ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE: The Annual Meeting elected the following
people to be members of the Executive: Rev’d Keith Allcock, Mr. Tony Le Clerc, Rev’d Rosalind Terry and Sr. Elizabeth
Vagg PBVM.
The Annual Meeting elected the following people to be Conveners and members of the TCC’s Commissions.
1. Christian World Service: (This is a new Commission required as part of the TCC’s obligation under the
Partnership Agreement with the National Council of Churches. A minimum of two appointees from each
Member Church is required).
Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney (Convener & Catholic representative), Mr. Paul Dobber (Catholic), Rev’d Rosemary
Perrott-Russell (Anglican), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam (Uniting), Rev’d Val Graydon (General Secretary—ex
2. Peace and Justice:
Membership will include some members of the former World Justice and Development Commission, plus others
interested and involved in peace and justice issues. This Commission will be formed over the next few months
and nominations are being received now. The following members, having been nominated by their deonimations,
were appointed: Dr. Margaret Baikie (Baptist) and Mrs. Bronwyn Morton (Uniting).
(NB: The above two new Commissions replace the former World Justice and Development Commission)
3. Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology, and Education (Some members appointed by Member Churches and
some by Annual Meeting):
Rev’d Rod Horsfield (northern convener & Uniting Church representative), Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate
(southern convener and Catholic representative); Rev’d John Teniswood, 1 to be appointed (Anglican);
(Baptist to be advised); Sr. Jill Dance SSJ (Catholic); (Religious Society of Friends: to be advised); (Salvation
Army: to be advised); Rev’d Beth Hancock, (Uniting); (Lutheran: to be advised); (Reformed: to be advised);
Mr. Tony Le Clerc, 3 to be appointed (Annual Meeting); Rev’d Canon David O’Neill, Rev’d Fr. Terry Yard,
Pastor Leo Stossich (Co-opted by Commission); Rev’d Val Graydon (TCC staff).
4. Christian Religious Education in State Schools (Appointed by Member Churches and by some nonmember
Rev’d Alan Bulmer (Convener), Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS (Liaison Officer), Mrs. Mary-Anne Johnson
(Convener: Primary Education Working Group & Catholic Rep.), Mr. Matt Durose (Convener: Chaplaincy
Working Group), Mr. David Morris, Rev’d Dr. Tom Wallace (Anglican), Mr. Ben McKinnon (Baptist), Mrs.
Lynn Priest (Catholic), Captain Simon Damen (The Salvation Army), Rev’d Ron Manley, Mr. Alan Dutton
(Uniting), (Lutheran 1 to be appointed), Mr. Graeme Roberts (south), Rev’d Peter Thorneycroft (north)
(Presbyterian), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Reformed), Ms. Kaye Hunter (Scripture Union), Mr. C. Townsend (Fusion),
Rev’d Peter Weeks (co-opted member).
5. Mass Media (Appointed by Annual Meeting):
Ms. Penny Edman (Convener), Rev’d Val Graydon (TCC staff—ex officio) and Rev’d Canon Robert Legg.
Membership to be kept open pending decisions about the future of the Commission.
6. The Gospel and Human Relationships (Appointed by Annual Meeting):
Rev’d Peter Weeks (Convener), Major Jenny Begent, Mrs. Margaret Collis, Ms. Gabriel Kearle, Rev’d Canon
Robert Legg OAM, Sr. Ona Kaukenas, Rev’d Val Graydon/Mrs. Jennifer Roddam (TCC staff).
(Please note that members of the Commission on Christian Religious Education in State Schools and some members of the
Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education are appointed by Member Churches, others by the Annual
Meeting. The names of those appointed by Member Churches are listed for information only.)
AGM04/18 RECEPTION OF COURTESY REPORTS: The Annual Meeting received courtesy reports from
organisations affiliated with the TCC.
Australian Church Women
Inter-Church Trade and Industry Mission
Jane Franklin Hall
Delegates were asked to make known through their denominations and networks information about the TCC and
particularly their plan to work towards A New Vision for Churches Working Together in Tasmania.
AGM04/20 WORSHIP: The Closing Worship was led by Past-President, Dr. Rosemary Dobber. In the context
of the Closing Worship, the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg was re-commissioned as President of the Tasmanian Council of
Churches. The President then commissioned other office-bearers.
AGM04/21 The Annual Meeting concluded with the Blessing at 3.30 pm.