Annual Meeting
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Following the Opening Worship, the Rev’d Val Graydon was commissioned as General Secretary of the
Tasmanian Council of Churches.
AGM02/2 Present were:
OAM (H/C), The Rev’d Canon Alan Bulmer, Mrs. Aileen Fitzgerald, the Rev’d John Teniswood, Dr. Louise
Wells, the Rev’d Charles Whitton, the Rev’d Dr. James Young, Mrs. Jean Young.
BAPTIST UNION OF TASMANIA: The Rev’d Garry Billing (H/C), Dr. Margaret Baikie, Mr. John
Dowsett, Mrs. Marion Dowsett, the Rev’d Jeff McKinnon, the Rev’d David Sterrey.
Barker, Mrs. Pat Barker, Mr. Peter Comas, Mrs. Enid Conley, Sr. Jill Dance SSJ, the Rev’d Fr. Michael
Delaney, Mr. Paul Dobber, Ms. Penny Edman, Mrs. Mary Excell, the Rev’d Fr. Christopher Mithen, Mrs.
Lynn Priest, Mrs. Phyl Sharman, Mr. Adrian Sullivan, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg
Legg, Ruth Legg, Valmai McCulloch.
THE SALVATION ARMY, TASMANIA DIVISION: Major Jenny Begent, Envoy Ronda McIntyre,
Major Alan Milkins, Major Peter Walker.
Martin Bennett, the Rev’d Brian Cole, Mrs. Margaret Collis, the Rev’d Grant Finlay, the Rev’d Rod
Horsfield, Mrs. Heather Jatan, Ms. Ann Molhuysen, Mr. Tom Nicolson, Mrs. Valerie Nicolson, the Rev’d Ian
Proctor, the Rev’d Peter Weeks.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: Dr. Rosemary Dobber (President), the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg OAM, (Vice-
President), the Rev’d Val Graydon (General Secretary), Mr. Bob Humphries (Treasurer).
CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS, Dr. Ian Newman, Mrs. Jennifer Roddam.
OBSERVERS FROM NON-MEMBER CHURCHES: Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Christian Reformed Churches in
Australia, Classis Tasmania).
GUEST SPEAKER: The Most Rev’d Ian George, AO, Archbishop of Adelaide, Chair of the Anglican
General Synod Refugee Working Group, Chair of the Anglican Communion Refugee and Migrant Network
and former Chair of the NCCA’s Commission on Christian World Service.
AGM02/3 Apologies for absence were received from:
Canon Eric Cave, Mrs. Kathleen Gerrard, Ms. Gabriel Kearle, Mrs. Dorothy Morris, Mrs. Beverley Percey,
the Rev’d Bill Percey.
Miss Ann Landers, Mrs. Eris Smyth.
Evangelinidis (H/C).
THE SALVATION ARMY: Major John Vale (H/C).
Adelene Mills, the Rev’d J. Allan Thompson, Mrs. Ida West AM.
CO-OPTED MEMBER: Dr. David Daintree, Mr. Tony Le Clerc.
ASSOCIATE MEMBER CHURCHES: Mr. Clinton Wardle (Hobart City Church of Christ).
Muschamp (Lutheran Church of Australia, Victorian District).
AGM02/4 The following persons were co-opted as members of the Council: Dr. David Daintree (Jane
Franklin Hall), Mr. Tony Le Clerc, Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS (staff), Mrs. Jennifer Roddam (staff).
The meeting resolved to associate The Most Rev’d Ian George with the Council for the meeting.
The following persons were appointed as returning officers: Mr. Martin Bennett, Mr. Bob Humphries, Mrs.
Lynn Priest.
AGM02/5 The proposed agenda for the meeting was adopted.
AGM02/6 The minutes for the 2001 Annual Meeting were tabled, having been previously confirmed
by the Executive.
AGM02/7 PRESIDENT’S REPORT: The President, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, presented her report
which was received by the Annual Meeting with acclamation. She noted that the past year had been a time of
challenge and change for the TCC with the departure of the Rev’d Bob Faser as General Secretary last
August. On behalf of the Council, she warmly welcomed the Rev’d Val Graydon to this position. Other
highlights from the report included the wide range of work undertaken by the TCC’s Commissions and
Networks, the National Council of Churches’ Forum held in July last year, and the number of religious and
secular occasions where the TCC was represented during the last year. The President expressed concern that
there appeared to be no church representation on the Tasmania Together Progress Board. She referred to the
importance of the involvement of the Council and its commissions in the development of ways that Christians
can talk and work together with people of other faiths.
AGM02/8 EXECUTIVE REPORT: The Executive Report was presented by Mrs. Jennifer Roddam.
Highlights for the year had included the conference “Choices for the Churches in a New Millennium”, plans
to observe and respond to the Decade to Overcome Violence, involvement in Multi-Faith events (particularly
following the tragic events of September 11), Rachel Anderson’s attendance at a conference for young adults
on the environment and Christianity in Korea in June 2001 (on the nomination both of the TCC and NCCA).
Mrs. Roddam expressed gratitude to the President, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, for her support and assistance to
the Council, and to her personally, over the past year.
ANGLICAN: The Bishop of Tasmania, the Rt. Rev’d John Harrower, spoke about the success of a recent
gathering when over 1,000 Anglicans had met in Launceston to celebrate their life together and to share
stories from around the Diocese. He stressed the importance of meeting together in this way, in addition to
official meetings of the Diocese.
BAPTIST: The Rev’d Garry Billing reported that a number of Baptist Churches in Tasmania had made
direct links with churches in the outback. In Tasmania, and in other parts of the country, there had been an
emphasis on supporting rural ministry. The Baptist Church would value prayer for significant pastorates in
the state which were without settled ministry.
There had been rejuvenation of Youth Ministry in the three regions of the state.
In support of the belief that prayer under-girds the total mission of the church, the Baptist Church was
organising a “spring time of prayer” when churches would be called together to pray, culminating at the
Assembly in October.
CATHOLIC: The Most Rev’d Adrian Doyle said that the Catholic Church in Tasmania had been
implementing decisions which had been made over the last two years as part of the “Call to Change”
programme. Catholic clergy had met the previous week on the East Coast and had focused on ways to
develop skills in the field of collaborative ministry.
Archbishop Doyle said that over 2,000 young people had attended a celebration at the Launceston Silverdome
for Catholic Education Week. He went on to mention that the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference had
made a decision some years ago to be part of the Church Life Survey. The results of the survey conducted
last year had been made public in the last ten days and would provide useful information for planning.
RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS: Barbara Wilde reported that declared Quaker membership
throughout Australia numbered about 1,000. She reported on the Australian Yearly Meeting which had been
held in January 2002 in Hobart.
It was noted that there were very few young people in the membership of the Quakers. Indigenous issues
were a deep concern of Quakers, particularly on mainland Australia. Quakers were involved in Refugee
Support groups. It was hoped to increase work among prisoners and their families. A new Quaker group was
meeting once a month in Devonport.
THE SALVATION ARMY: Major Alan Milkins said that The Salvation Army was looking forward to
partnership with Anglicare to provide welfare on Hobart’s Eastern Shore. The Salvation Army had been
involved internally in a conference on poverty which had been conducted by Internet. It was planned to
investigate the development of national church material. This would include an analysis of common areas
that promote church growth, and would examine ways to make churches more ‘user friendly’ to those who
were presently not ‘churched’.
Major Milkins said that the Salvation Army looked forward to continued involvement in the Inter-Church
Gambling Task Force.
A new Territorial Commander had been appointed. The High Council would meet in October to elect a new
UNITING CHURCH: The Rev’d Colleen Grieve reported that the Uniting Church was preparing for
celebrations to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Uniting Church in Australia on 22nd June. At this time, the
Victoria and Tasmanian Synods would amalgamate and become the Synod of Victoria-Tasmania. There was
excitement and optimism that the amalgamation of the two Synods would allow the church to focus on areas
of discipleship and mission and how the church could address emerging community issues. On 23rd June,
workshops would be held around the state to consider hopes and dreams for the church over the next 25 years.
Church): Mr. Ferdie Kroon congratulated Rev’d Graydon on her appointment as General Secretary. He
reported general growth in the Christian Reformed Church across Australia. He spoke about the guidance of
the Holy Spirit as the churches seek to work together in unity.
The Treasurer, Mr. Bob Humphries, presented that Financial Report for 1/1/2001 - 31/12/2001 to the meeting,
noting that the financial position was stronger than at the same time last year, in large part due to the lengthy
vacancy in the General Secretary’s position. The Treasurer moved the adoption of the report, seconded the
Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, carried.
The Budget for 2002, having been presented to the Executive earlier in the year, was adopted by the Annual
The Vice-President, on behalf of the Council, expressed appreciation to Mr. Humphries for his valuable
service and expertise as Treasurer of the TCC over the past two years. The meeting supported his remarks
with acclamation.
AGM02/11 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: The General Secretary introduced the Most Rev’d Ian George,
AO, and invited him to address the meeting.
Archbishop George based his presentation on issues relating to refugees from local, national and international
perspectives. Outlining “Why should we bother”, he began by quoting Biblical references from Luke 10:37,
Exodus 22:21-27, Leviticus 19:33-4, Deuteronomy 24:17-22, Matthew 25: 31-46, Galatians 3:28, Hebrews
Statistics quoted:
There are 20 million refugees in the world and at least twice as many internally displaced, i.e. 1 for every
280 on the planet, and more than the population of Australia.
More than half the world’s refugees are children.
Australia takes 12,000 people every year, 4,000 from overseas, 3,000 on-shore arrivals.
To the end of 1999, Australia had 8,257 unauthorised arrivals, compared with 52,000 in the United
Kingdom and 99,000 in Germany. About 4,000 had been given a home.
Over 51,000 illegal “over-stayers”, eg on expired visas, in Australia these are mainly from Europe and
Archbishop George spoke to the following notes on World’s Reaction to Global Refugee Crisis:
Aid still tied and often ineffective in the long term.
No effort to combat world arms trade.
Slow progress on banning landmines.
Negligible progress on combating the problem of child soldiers or attacks on civilians.
Patchy early intervention in conflicts due to lack of UN troops - East Timor, Sierra Leone.
Closure of state borders, strict controls of coastlines, harsh deterrents for asylum seekers, political
Attempts to narrow the Refugee Convention and crack down on people smugglers.
Bottom line:
Top 225 richest people in the world have the same amount of money as the bottom 45% of the world’s
population, i.e. $1.9 billion.
Massive inequality of wealth creates what Kofi Annan calls “problems without passports”. Requires
“transformative change”.
Article 14 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has right to seek and enjoy any other
country’s freedom from persecution”.
Archbishop George spoke about his recent visit to the Sudan, noting that out of a population of 28 million,
there were 6 million displaced persons. There were thousands of refugees waiting to be processed, eg 90,000
refugees in the Kakuma Camp. Triple apartheid existed in the Sudan (racial - ‘genocide’, economic and
religious). Archbishop George spoke about the work of the Sudan Council of Churches (in the north of
Sudan) and the New Sudan Council of Churches (working out of Nairobi). Christianity in the South Sudan
had increased by 1,000% in the last five years.
Archbishop George went on to speak about the plight of the “boat people” and the situation relating to visas,
and the conditions surrounding detention centres.
What can we do? Archbishop George listed the following suggestions:
Give Refugee Sunday more prominence and support
Write to politicians
Talk with refugees
Pray for the Minister, Mr. Phillip Ruddock.
Fund raising
Provide furniture, household goods for new arrivals
Take people to Centrelink - assist with filling out forms etc.
Send phone cards to NCCA CWS for people in Villawood
Work with Church agencies, eg Anglicare, Caritas
Teach English
‘Adopt’ a family
Tutor children
Openly support by joining “Tasmanians for Refugees”
Good News:
International Criminal Court to be established later this year and will deal with some of the refugee issues
UNHCR and DIMIA decisions - one third of people placed on Nauru and Manus Island 7 months ago
have been granted refugee status.
East Timorese asylum seekers in Australia for a decade now being processed again.
Detention Centres under serious international critique - UNHCR to visit Woomera.
Archbishop George commended the publication, “Eureka Street Immigration and Refugee Resource Kit”,
(produced by the Jesuits in Melbourne) available for $35.00 from Replied Paid 553, Richmond Victoria 3121
(phone 9427 7311).
Two other publications were commended for reading: Asylum Seekers: a History of Australian Immigration
Policy by Don McMaster, published by Rigby; and Borderline: Australia’s Treatment of Refugees and Asylum
Seekers by Peter Mares, published by University of New South Wales Press.
Questions from the floor led to discussion about the relationship between the NSCC, the SCC and the Sudan
People’s Liberation Army, and the concern regarding the raising of awareness, understanding and compassion
by our church leaders to be able to respond appropriately.
The Rev’d Fr. Michael Delaney, on behalf of the Council, thanked Archbishop George for his work as the
former Chair of the Christian World Service Commission, for his continued commitment with refugee issues,
and especially for enlightening the meeting about these vital areas.
AGM02/12 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Annual Meeting elected the following members to
serve as officers of the Tasmanian Council of Churches until the next Annual Meeting:
President: Dr. Rosemary Dobber
Vice-President: The Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, OAM
Treasurer: Mr. Peter Comas
The Annual Meeting re-appointed Mr. Chris Scandrett to serve as auditor until the next Annual Meeting. A
letter of thanks would be sent from the meeting to Mr. Scandrett for his service in this role.
A. Commission on World Justice and Development
The Convener, Mr. Paul Dobber, presented his report (previously circulated) to the meeting, expressing
thanks to all involved in the increased results for the Christmas Bowl Appeal. He highlighted issues relating
to the Bicentenary of the landing at Risdon Cove and the founding of Hobart (2003/2004), Forceten, plans to
observe and respond to the Decade to Overcome Violence, and Community Briefings on Building Peace.
Mr. Dobber moved the acceptance of his report, seconded Fr. Delaney, carried.
B. Commission on Mass Media
The Convener, Ms. Penny Edman, presented her report (previously circulated) to the meeting. She moved the
recommendation included in the report “that the Mass Media Commission go into recess for the immediate
future and that a small working party be appointed to look more critically at the role of the Mass Media
Commission within the Tasmanian Council of Churches, with a view to reactivating the Commission with a
more defined role within the TCC”, and further moved that “the members of the Working Party be the Rev’d
Dr. Jim Young, John Legg, Dr. Rosemary Dobber, the Rev’d Val Graydon and Ms. Penny Edman”. The
motions were seconded by Mr. Bob Humphries, and carried.
C. Commission on the Gospel and Human Relationships
The Convener, the Rev’d Peter Weeks, presented his report to the meeting. Highlights included the March
Seminar series on “Punishment”, and continued attention to pastoral care in interdenominational,
intercultural, and interfaith marriages. A Conference on the theme of Nationalism had been suggested. and
would be explored. Another issue receiving attention by the Commission was the possible sharing by TCC
Member Churches of training and resources in matters of sexual abuse.
Mr. Weeks moved the adoption of the report, seconded by the Vice-President, carried.
D. Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education
The Convener, Dr. Louise Wells, presented her report to the meeting. The Commission continued to explore
its identity, it had built community through shared worship, shared meals and lively discussion. Highlights
had included a variety of worship styles contributed by members of the Commission, and inter-faith
discussions. Future discussions would include Environmental Theology and Spirituality. She noted the
departure from the Commission of the Rev’d Bob Faser, Pastor Simon Hattrell and the Rev’d Norma
Spaulding all of whom had made a significant contribution to the work of the Commission.
Dr. Wells moved the adoption of her report, seconded Fr. Delaney, carried.
E. Commission on Christian Religious Education in State Schools
The Convener, the Rev’d Canon Alan Bulmer, presented his report to the meeting. He commended highly the
work undertaken by Sr. Barbara Hateley as the CRE Liaison Officer and expressed appreciation to the
Catholic Church for her secondment to this role. Chaplaincy in High Schools and Colleges was growing
throughout the state. Finance continued to be an issue and he asked churches to be mindful of the need to
support this vital work throughout the state.
Mr. Bulmer moved the adoption of his report, seconded Mr. Weeks, carried.
AGM02/14 DISCUSSION OF COMMISSION REPORTS: Following lunch, the Annual Meeting
broke into five small groups to give detailed consideration to Commission reports, and to bring comments and
recommendations back to the plenary session:
AGM02/15 RECEPTION OF COURTESY REPORTS: The Annual Meeting received courtesy
reports from organisations affiliated with the TCC.
Australian Church Women
Interchurch Trade and Industry Mission
Jane Franklin Hall
A. Commission on World Justice and Development
(Convener: Mr. Paul Dobber, Small Group Leader: Mr. Adrian Sullivan)
Mr. Paul Dobber reported that the small group had discussed a number of resolutions relating to the Middle
East situation, which had been prepared on behalf of the Commission by a working group comprising
Professor Peter Boyce, the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate and Dr. Ian Newman, for consideration and adoption by
the TCC’s Annual meeting.
Resolution 1
It was moved by Mr. Paul Dobber, seconded Mr. Adrian Sullivan, that the Annual Meeting adopts the
following statement on the Middle East: -
In the context of the Decade to Overcome Violence declared by the World Council of Churches, that the
Annual Meeting of the TCC, appalled at the destruction, violence and loss of life, especially of innocent
civilians, occurring in the lands sacred for the Jewish, Christian and Moslem religions, and deeply concerned
at reports of serious violations of international humanitarian law, believes that peace must be secured on the
basis of
1. a credible investigation to ascertain the facts relating to the human suffering and violation of law in the
current conflict, such as proposed by the Secretary General of the United Nations, and
2. a just and effective resolution of issues relating to
(a) the security of the state of Israel and of a Palestinian state as envisaged by General Assembly
Resolution 181 of November 1947, by Security Council Resolution 242 of November 1967 and
Security Council Resolution 1397 of March 2002,
(b) the plight and future of Palestinian refugees throughout the region, and
(c) the status of the city of Jerusalem.
The motion was carried.
Resolution 2
It was moved by Mr. Paul Dobber, seconded by the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, that the statement on the
Middle East be forwarded to the following for their information
The National Council of Churches in Australia (with the request that the NCCA be asked to forward the
statement on to other organisations in their network)
The Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer
The Ambassador of Israel
The Australian Representative of the Palestinian Authority
The Premier of Tasmania and Tasmanian Senators and Members of Federal Parliament
The Tasmanian and national media.
The motion was carried.
Resolution 3
It was moved by Mr. Paul Dobber, seconded by the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg:
(i) That the statement on the Middle East be forwarded to Member Churches with the request that
they publicly express support for its principles, and publicise the statement among their
(ii) That the TCC and Member Churches initiate and support action to build understanding, tolerance
and peaceful relations between the three great Abrahamic Religions in Australia.
(iii) That members of our Member Churches pray that the blessing expressed at the time of the birth of
Jesus in Bethlehem shall soon come to pass: “On earth peace, goodwill among people”.
The background notes to the above resolutions were as follows:
1. The texts of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions will be tabled as
background information. They and others can be found at the UN: <>.
2. The Luke 2:14 reference is from the NRSV margin/alternative wording. Thanks to Gregor Henderson
(Chair of NCCA DOV Working Group) for this suggestion.
3. Other sources of information on the Middle East include: San Francisco-based Jewish Voice for Peace
<>, the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International
Affairs <>, and a Christian Palestinian (liberation theology) group based in Jerusalem
called Sabeel <>
Mr. Dobber drew attention to the request for input to questions contained in the Appendix to the
Commission’s report (copy attached for those not present at the meeting) relating to the planning for the
Tasmanian observance of the Decade to Overcome Violence. Responses could be sent to the Commission via
the TCC office.
B. Commission on Mass Media
(Convener: Ms. Penny Edman, Small Group Leader: Rev’d Colleen Grieve)
Ms. Penny Edman said that the small group had a useful discussion on the proposed way forward for the work
of the Commission and believed that in twelve months’ time the Commission would have a more positive role
within the life of the TCC.
C. Commission on the Gospel and Human Relationships
(Convener: Rev’d Peter Weeks, Small Group Leader: Rev’d Canon Robert Legg)
The Rev’d Peter Weeks reported that the group had offered the topic of ‘hospitality’ as a suggestion for the
March 2003 seminars. (This was in addition to “Anger”, “Chance/Fate”, “Stewardship” previously
suggested). Other suggestions for future work of the Commission included
encourage the Commission to become more involved in the issue of domestic violence
encourage the Commission to facilitate discussion in the bioethical area of stem cell research
continue the discussions about pastoral care in mixed marriages - including an invitation to Master Wang
to speak about marriage from the Buddhist tradition.
D. Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education
(Convener: Dr. Louise Wells, Small Group Leader: Rev’d Rod Horsfield)
The Rev’d Rod Horsfield reported the following recommendations for the future work of the Commission:
encouragement to explore the meaning of “ecumenical spirituality” , and how it related to youth.
eco-theology (retreats available in South Australia)
encourage “prayer companions” (information available from Mrs. Enid Conley)
consideration of issues facing the church in the community, eg bio-ethics
distribution of papers from Commission discussions to the wider community (eg papers on Buddhism and
There was discussion about the value of establishing a TCC website, resulting in a motion by Rev’d
Horsfield, seconded Ms. Edman, that the TCC Executive be asked to investigate the establishment of a
website as a priority. Carried.
E. Commission on Christian Religious Education in State Schools
(Convener: Rev’d Canon Alan Bulmer, Small Group Leader: Sr. Elizabeth Vagg)
Sr. Elizabeth Vagg reported the group’s discussions and noted the following recommendations for the work of
the Commission:
awareness/educational campaign within the churches
- to make people aware of what is being done in the schools
- to encourage people to become involved in the programme
- to let them know that support and training is available for volunteers
strongly endorsed and drew attention to the following
- the need for participants to gain accreditation/training
- the necessity to work ecumenically, using a team approach where possible in the approved
- the need for secondary chaplaincies to be set up according to the Guidelines.
the group encouraged the Executive
- to broaden representation on the Commission by seeking representatives from as many
churches as possible.
- to request that all state bodies of churches include CRE in their budgets.
It was moved by Sr. Elizabeth Vagg, seconded by the Rev’d Canon Alan Bulmer, that the TCC express
appreciation to the Catholic Education Office for the secondment of Sr. Barbara Hateley as the CRE Liaison
Officer. Carried.
It was noted that, due to the imminent departure of the Rev’d Dr. Elizabeth Nolan to Victoria, Mr. Matt
Durose, former Chaplain at Elizabeth College, was now the convener of the Secondary Working Group of the
Commission and would also be available to provide support to Chaplains.
In response to a query from the Rev’d Jeff McKinnon, it was confirmed that the “Religion in Life” curriculum
had been agreed upon by the Heads of Churches and the Education Department. The only other curriculum
which had received appropriate approval was “Connect”.
AGM02/17 ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE: The Annual Meeting elected the
following people to be members of the Executive: Mr. John Barker, Mrs. Enid Conley, Mr. Tony Le Clerc,
the Rev’d Bill Percey, and Sr. Elizabeth Vagg PBVM.
The Annual Meeting elected the following people to be Conveners and members of the TCC’s Commissions.
1. World Justice and Development (Appointed by Annual Meeting):
Mr. Paul Dobber (Convener), the Rev’d Val Graydon (Secretary), the Rev’d Lee Anderson, Dr.
Margaret Baikie, Mr. George Castley, the Rev’d Fr. Mike Delaney, the Rev’d Grant Finlay, Mrs.
Aileen Fitzgerald (CWS Field Officer), Envoy Ronda McIntyre, the Rev’d Fr. Christopher Mithen
CP, Dr. Ian Newman, Mr. Adrian Sullivan, Mrs. Ida West, AM.
2. Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology, and Education (Some members appointed by Member
Churches and some by Annual Meeting):
Dr. Louise Wells (Convener); The Rev’d Canon Eric Cave, Mr. John Teniswood (Anglican);
(Baptist to be advised); the Rev’d Fr. Michael Tate, Sr. Maureen Delaney RSC (Catholic); the
Rev’d Fr. Timothy Evangelinidis (Greek Orthodox); Ronald Darvell (Religious Society of
Friends); (Salvation Army: to be advised); the Rev’d Dr. Rod Horsfield, the Rev’d Beth Hancock
(Uniting); (Lutheran: to be advised); (Reformed: to be advised); Sr. Jill Dance SSJ, Mr. Tony
LeClerc, Dr. Louise Wells (Annual Meeting); the Rev’d Canon David O’Neill, the Rev’d Fr. Terry
Yard (Co-opted by Commission); the Rev’d Val Graydon (TCC staff).
3. Christian Religious Education in State Schools (Appointed by Member Churches and by some
non-member Churches):
The Rev’d Canon Alan Bulmer (Convener), Sr. Barbara Hateley MSS (Liaison Officer), the Rev’d
Peter Weeks (Convener: Primary Education Working Group), (Mr. Matt Durose - Convener:
Chaplaincy Working Group), the Rev’d Canon Alan Bulmer, 2 more to be appointed (Anglican),
Mr. Graham Clements (Baptist), Mrs. Lynn Priest, Mrs. Maryanne Johnston (Catholic), Captain
Simon Damen (Salvation Army), the Rev’d Peter Weeks - 1 to be appointed (Uniting), Mr. George
Muskett (Christian Brethren), Pastor Kim Jaeger (Christian Revival Crusade), the Rev’d Wayne
Muschamp (Lutheran), the Rev’d Robert White (Presbyterian), Mr. Ferdie Kroon (Reformed),
Mr. Paul Cavanough (Scripture Union).
4. Mass Media (Appointed by Annual Meeting):
Ms. Penny Edman (Convener), Captain Ken Agnew, John Briggs, the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg,
the Rev’d Tim Matton-Johnson, Mr. Stan Murrowood, Mrs. Wendy Renton, the Rev’d Val Graydon
(TCC staff).
5. The Gospel and Human Relationships (Appointed by Annual Meeting):
The Rev’d Peter Weeks (Convener), Mrs. Margaret Collis, Elizabeth Field, Mr. Ed Gauden, Sr. Ona
Kaukenas, Ms. Gabriel Kearle, Mrs. Nell Kuilenberg, the Rev’d Canon Robert Legg, Ms. Anne
Matuszek, Mrs. Beverley Percey (Northern Liaison), Mrs. Jean Young, the Rev’d Dr. Jim Young,
the Rev’d Val Graydon/Mrs. Jennifer Roddam (TCC staff).
(Please note that members of the Commission on Christian Religious Education in State Schools and some
members of the Commission on Ecumenical Spirituality, Theology and Education are appointed by Member
Churches, others by the Annual Meeting. The names of those appointed by Member Churches are listed for
information only.)
Minute of Appreciation: On behalf of the Council, Sr. Elizabeth Vagg moved a Minute of Appreciation to
Mrs. Jennifer Roddam for her work as Acting General Secretary following the departure of the Rev’d Bob
Faser until the Rev’d Val Graydon’s arrival. This was carried with acclamation.
AGM02/20 WORSHIP: In the context of the Closing Worship, Dr Rosemary Dobber was
commissioned as President of the Tasmanian Council of Churches for a further term. The President then
commissioned other office-bearers.
AGM02/21 The Annual Meeting concluded with the peace at 4.20 p.m.