Tasmanian Council of Churches

Tasmanian Council of Churches

"Churches working together in unity"



The Tasmanian Council of Churches (TCC) is a fellowship of Christian Churches in Tasmania committed to the promotion of Christian unity.  The TCC is an autonomous body with policies decided by the seven Member Churches.

TCC is affiliated with the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA), and maintains good relationships with the other State Ecumenical Bodies around Australia, as well as the Christian Council of Asia (CCA).

The Tasmanian Council of Churches was one of the first State Ecumenical Bodies to be established.  The TCC was established on 27 April 1946, at a Statewide-meeting of denominational representatives at Evandale in northern Tasmania.  This was at a time when Christians around the world were given a new vision of Christian unity through the formation of the World Council of Churches (in the period 1937-1948).  In 1970 we became the first ecumenical council in Australia (and one of the first in the world) in which the Roman Catholic Church is a full member.

Current Events:


No current announcements.
